I'm in one of my 'Holy shit, I can't stand the clutter!' moods.

warrior queen

early bird snack pack
Jul 17, 2003
I have just filled up the back of my station wagon again, ready to go to the refuse centre.
Why do we collect so much crap!
HOW do we collect so much crap?
I am a minimalist.... I hate excess in any form. Seriously - how many buckets does one household need? And I found no less than 7 pairs of secateurs [sp?], of which only 3 actually cut.
All the scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, badminton sets, playstation 1 and 2 plus games, old gameboys... they're all going to the local salvo's or the tip if they won't take them.
And every member of this house has their own computer. So why are there 8 extra monitors? What for? OUT!

I'm also getting rid of the 3 extra wardrobes that are sitting in my spare room, empty. And the 3 extra single beds.

Well, that all sounds like pretty standard household fare.

That is...

Until we got to the monitors, empty wardrobes, and extra beds. Holy cow!
That kinda clutter would drive me batty, too.

But, I'm just lucky to keep up with the old newspapers I do intend to read and the stuff the baby's outgrown. So, I'm not really one to talk.
I'm also getting rid of the 3 extra wardrobes that are sitting in my spare room, empty.

I've known plenty of people who repurpose old dressers and wardrobes for storage in the barn and other outbuildings.

Just a thought.
I've known plenty of people who repurpose old dressers and wardrobes for storage in the barn and other outbuildings.

Just a thought.

I have built-in shelving in the garden shed and the barn, so I really don't need anything else in there.
Good thought though!
I have just finished sorting my linen cupboard.
We had 63 towels! Sixty-fucking-three! We now have 18.
And there were sheets and doona covers for double beds. There isn't a double bed in this house! There are 3 queen beds, 2 singles, and 2 self-inflating queens. Why do I have sheets for double beds?

My man will be exstatic - he now has a huge bag of rags for his workshop.

This is what happens when you combine households. You have been warned :cool:
I have just filled up the back of my station wagon again.

It's 9 pm here now.
I am exhausted!
Garden shed cleaned out, kitchen cleaned and silicone replaced (it can dry overnight), linen cupboard sorted, 4 loads of laundry done, spare room emptied, windows cleaned, and house vacuumed and floors steamed.
And that's apart from feeding the animals, fixing the dam break in the bottom dam, slashing the grass close to the house fence (snake season has begun) and cleaning the filters from the rainwater tank.

Time for bed :eek:
Looks like Warrior Queen isnt up to the challenge of real clutter. For some of us clutter takes on the meaning of a J.S.Bach trio sonata for organ, and requires prodigy rather than angst. Clutter in the right hands is identical to the dulcet notes angels strum & pluck on their lyers. Clutter in the hands of a layman is simply noise.

Warrior Queen is no Cluttermeister.
i'm here this morning, woke up to no coffee :(

gota run the store in a few...i'm just too lazy too right now