I'm in a fuck the world type mood, tonight

Hell, I'll just settle for a penis biogger then my big toe.
Why should I kleep my distance? I was in the same mood last night, and you came fluffing on in. :p
muahhhh :kiss: muah:kiss:muah:kiss:

hmmmm... Pal.. A shower and A stroke off A little.. and A Sexyyy pic will help ??

aw.. It;s ok... . Iam like that all the time.. And it;s became NORMAL..

And If I don't feels like this ,,,

I think some thing some where goes WRONG... :D:D

Cheers my sweet pal.:p:p

Many Sexyyyyy ladies on LIT will tells you HOW.:D
nasty1 said:
Keep your distance.

Why go online to tell everyone you're in a FTW mood? At least tell us why! Maybe we can help!

P.S.: Maybe in the future you could say you're in a GTH mood. FTW sounds like you're in the mood for a global gang bang!
Re: Re: I'm in a fuck the world type mood, tonight

KindaKinky said:
Why go online to tell everyone you're in a FTW mood? At least tell us why! Maybe we can help!

P.S.: Maybe in the future you could say you're in a GTH mood. FTW sounds like you're in the mood for a global gang bang!

nahhh . siliyyyy you... , you need to read between the lines...

He needs A REAL HOLE to poke.. And It's not easy in the kind of WORLD Anymore...

with all the gems And virus Around.. and condom never really works wonder...

And most improtant while getting laid And feels LOVES too..

:rolleyes:GEes ::rolleyes: WHat is this world coming to be... sigh*

And it's the lonelyness.... sigh*
Re: Re: I'm in a fuck the world type mood, tonight

KindaKinky said:
Why go online to tell everyone you're in a FTW mood? At least tell us why! Maybe we can help!

P.S.: Maybe in the future you could say you're in a GTH mood. FTW sounds like you're in the mood for a global gang bang!
If you read all my posts in the last hr., you'll know why I'm in a FTW mood.
Gilly Bean said:
Why should I kleep my distance? I was in the same mood last night, and you came fluffing on in. :p
Was that nasty of him, or what? ;)
W word to the wise is annoying.

nasty1 said:
Cause, when I get it these moods, I'm no fun to talk with.
That's what brings out the fluffy people, ya know?
nasty1 said:
Cause, when I get it these moods, I'm no fun to talk with.

in like a lion out like a lamb........................you're all talk. do you feel better now..???..............:D
loveyamon said:
in like a lion out like a lamb.......................

Personally I like the phrase "In like a lion.. out like a lion.. back in like a lion.. slowly out like a lion.. hard back in like a lion..."

Sorry :D