I'm hungry

Can't help with cock or power but I'll share......

Passing cheddar and a Braeburn.
no cock, nor food... but i can mail you a large box of AA batteries.
I have only a Belgian waffle with warm cherries and whipped creme to offer.
Power in what sense?

Cock AND Food I can manage. Now if I only knew where to find a single mothering woman I'd be set.
My class blows feels much better to ditch out of it early.
CelestialBody said:
In English, please?

My class sucked so I left after about an hour.
You get any of your cravings satisfied.

I just had some good ravioli.
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CelestialBody said:
Did you say something about tying someone up?? I swear you did. In fact, I think you promised....

Why are you propositioning me Miss?

I hope so.
i can send ya sum of my lo mein,
i have sumthing that requires a car battery that's take care of cock and let you feel the power between your legs (j/k) lolz lolz