Im home for a while

You have your Christmas tree up? Already?

Good grief, you'll be getting the Easter bunnies out next week!:D
Emerald_eyed said:
Im out of work for a few weeks. something beyond our control happened and had to close for repairs. SO here I am, not sure what to do.

Im thnking I mihgt start my holiday baking! It will freeze well and get a head start. WHat ya think? I already have my tree up:rolleyes:

Don't spend all your time here, too addictive!
Emerald_eyed said:
lol, out of work 2-4 weeks, you gonna spring for the camera?

Damn. Money again, eh?

You should bang a rich guy for a few nights or something.

Emerald_eyed said:
ok, gimme directions to candy land.:p

Oh and I ment that in a really perverse way:p

Oh thank goodness you meant it in a perverse way!!!

Otherwise I'd have felt really silly offering you use of my camera just so that I can drool all over your pictures.
RawHumor said:
Unfortunately, that is WAY too true, but I like Pepperment Pattie's idea.

LOL @ Peppermint Pattie??

*wipes a tear from my eye*
You haven't forgotten me after all!
PepperminTrish said:
LOL @ Peppermint Pattie??

*wipes a tear from my eye*
You haven't forgotten me after all!

LOL I try, but I'm not as dedicated as I used to be.
or you could clean your house or something. What am I saying, I am home all freakin day long and yet my toilet looks like a chia pet experiment gone horribly wrong...
Emerald_eyed said:
I have this clean house obsession, that would freak me out

Hmmmm... can I borrow you for a day or two? When I'm done with you, you can clean my house.

Emerald_eyed said:
me?? me?? Oh honey, If Im cumming to you, you would have to pay the babysitter, considering im out of work for 2-4 weeks! and thats be optimistic


In that case, you can stay as long as you want. Or until you and my wife get too competitive, whichever comes first.