I'm confused


A god in a past life
Sep 20, 2002
I know I avoid certain posters, so I miss some threads that might enlighten me. But other than try to get it on with someone elses man (and don't tell me that's unique here :rolleyes:.) What has Indigo.Rose done that warants Schmidt head treatment?
The abortion issue? You've joking right? Myst posted at least that bad, and we all love her.
Well, Van, I don't think you can ascribe it to just one post. I think you'd have to say it was her chemistry over a stretch of time. Perhaps you'll find her less offensive than some others if you get to know her.

On the other hand, that business about the goats is so utterly childish I can hardly believe it hasn't fallen off the first couple of pages already.
Odd. I've not seen much I suppose, but abrasive personalities are hardly new. Childish is a compliment to the way the resident arseholes are acting.

Well, so, go forth and judge if you care to, it's not like there's never been any mistakes made here before. I'm off to throw supper in the oven and open a bit of something from the Rhone valley, myself.
I was wondering the same thing myself. I generally avoid anything that smells of brouhaha so I guess I miss out on a lot of the action around here.
superlittlegirl said:
I was wondering the same thing myself. I generally avoid anything that smells of brouhaha so I guess I miss out on a lot of the action around here.

You didn't miss anything noteworthy.
I'm confused too...not about this but in general. But that is nothing new.:rolleyes:
Re: Re: I'm confused

Kitte said:
I'm confused too...not about this but in general. But that is nothing new.:rolleyes:

I've learned to accept my perpetual confusion as an Amusing Life Adventure.
Re: Re: I'm confused

Kitte said:
I'm confused too...not about this but in general. But that is nothing new.:rolleyes:
Lol, you know how to count to 15.
I stay confused and its not such a bad place to be!;) Sometimes its much safer!!!:D
Honestly, I never hated her, but she does need a bit of an attitude adjustment. Her immaturity knows no bounds- I read her "I'll promise to put you on ignore" thread, and responded to something Miss T wrote- IR then put me on ignore. No biggie, but then she felt the need to insult me, when in the past I have always abstained from saying anything for or against her in all of her little dramatic situations. I've never had any interaction with the girl- why insult me?
Thanks Minx, I still can't understand the degree of hate being leveld at her though. This is a good reason to simply ignore her. Sounds like she hasn't attacked random posters, you did walk into her thread that was well sign posted. Sure sounds pretty damn imature, but the hate, it just confuses me.

Drama queens are nothing new here, and they get trolled for sure. But the bile spewing from long time and (reasonably) respected members is something I've never seen before without it being blatantly obvious why.
It has me confused... but then i live semi permenantly in the great State of Confusion. Wotch ImVan... how's tricks brother?
kiwiwolf said:
It has me confused... but then i live semi permenantly in the great State of Confusion. Wotch ImVan... how's tricks brother?
Is that the fourty-thirteenth state? I'm confused.

Not bad bro. Getting more work, with a better team. Life looks good. Emotionally stable finally ;) Always positive. Been getting a few cool jokes in the e-mail recently too, which is good. ;):D
Is this what it's like being ignored? Am I being ignored yet? Huh?