I'm bored. Entertain me

bad kitty

naughty feline
Apr 7, 2002
Nothing on TV, and I can't even drink, so here I am and yall don't even have the decency to be entertaining. ;)
Oh, look! I'm juggling three cats, playing the piano and carrying on a vicious conversation with Azwed — all at the same time.
I will dance a jig so you can watch my tits bounce.

I hear it is quite entertaining.

A lot of dancers are married Kitty.

Mine danced for a couple of years after we married. Of course , back in those days they were GO-Go girls. No topless or lap dances then.

We were with another couple lasy week at a club in Iowa and there were more gay women getting lap dances than men.
Re: Soooo

Thin Man said:
A lot of dancers are married Kitty.

Mine danced for a couple of years after we married. Of course , back in those days they were GO-Go girls. No topless or lap dances then.

We were with another couple lasy week at a club in Iowa and there were more gay women getting lap dances than men.

Translation: Show ur boobz plz
Re: Soooo

Thin Man said:
A lot of dancers are married Kitty.

Mine danced for a couple of years after we married. Of course , back in those days they were GO-Go girls. No topless or lap dances then.

We were with another couple lasy week at a club in Iowa and there were more gay women getting lap dances than men.
Yeah, but then we moved to DC and lived in the ghetto.
:D I read the title to this thread, and realized I am humming Queen's "Let Me Entertain You"

...We'll give you crazy performance
We'll give you grounds for divorce
We'll give you piece de resistance
And a tour de force... of course ...
Re: Re: Re: Soooo

Thin Man said:
Why am I somehow offended by that remark?
Maybe because you were looking to be offended by that remark. We lived in teh worst possible part of DC, the SE side and even the locals called it this.