Literotica Guru
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As a Newspaper reporter I learned to fashion an attention getting headline for my articles...did I get yours?
Several years ago I watched a Science Channel program that claimed facial beauty was universal, not, 'in the eye of the beholder', as we are all taught.
Before you read this, prepare to be amazed, and decide beforehand what you really think about beautiful people.
Authors and Artists, I have a special message for you at the conclusion...
“There is a Universal Standard for Facial Beauty regardless of race, age, sex, and other variables. Beautiful faces have ideal facial proportion. Ideal proportion is directly related to divine proportion, and that proportion is 1 to 1.618.
All living organisms, including humans, are genetically encoded to develop to the proportion because there are extreme esthetic and physiologic benefits. “
Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? Published on April 27, 2008 by Satoshi Kanazawa in The Scientific Fundamentalist....They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which means that different people possess different standards of beauty and that not everyone agrees on who is beautiful and who is not.
This is the first stereotype or aphorism that evolutionary psychology has overturned. It turns out that the standards of beauty are not only the same across individuals and cultures, they are also innate.
We are born with the notion of who’s beautiful and who’s not. On the surface, the aphorism “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” appears quite reasonable. Many introductory college textbooks in sociology and anthropology include pictures of people who are considered to be beautiful in different cultures, and some of them look quite bizarre to the contemporary western eye.
However, evolutionary psychological research has overturned this common assumption and widespread belief.Within the United States, both East Asians and whites, and whites and blacks agree on which faces are more or less beautiful. Cross-culturally, there is considerable agreement in the judgment of beauty among East Asians, Hispanics, and Americans; Brazilians, Americans, Russians, the Aché of Paraguay, and the Hiwi of Venezuela; Cruzans and Americans in Saint Croix; white South Africans and Americans; and the Chinese, Indians, and the English.
In none of these studies does the degree of exposure to the western media have any influence on people’s perception of beauty.
How is it possible for people from such diverse cultures to agree broadly on who is beautiful and who is not? It appears that people from different cultures share the same standards of beauty because they are innate; we are born with the knowledge of who’s beautiful and who’s not.
Two studies conducted in the mid-1980s independently demonstrate that infants as young as two and three months old gaze longer at a face that adults judge to be more attractive than at a face that adults judge to be less attractive. Babies are wonderfully hedonistic and have no manners, so they stare at objects that they consider to be pleasing. When babies stare at some faces longer than others, it indicates that they prefer to look at them and find them attractiveIn the most recent version of this experiment, newborn babies less than one week old show significantly greater preference for faces that adults judge to be attractive.
Another study shows that 12-month-old infants exhibit more observable pleasure, more play involvement, less distress, and less withdrawal when interacting with strangers wearing attractive masks than when interacting with strangers wearing unattractive masks. They also play significantly longer with facially attractive dolls than with facially unattractive dolls.
The findings of these studies are consistent with the personal experiences and observations of many parents of small children, who find that their children are much better behaved when their babysitters are physically attractive than when they are not.
Even the most ardent proponents of the traditional view that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” must admit that one week (or even a few months) is not nearly enough time for infants to have learned and internalized the (supposedly arbitrary) cultural standards of beauty through socialization and media exposure.
These studies instead strongly suggest that the broad standards of beauty might be innate, not learned or acquired through socialization. The balance of evidence indicates that beauty is decidedly not in the eye of the beholder, but might instead be part of universal human nature.”
What Nationalites of People rank the highest Genetically in facial beauty?
Spanish 361 (10%)
African 73 (2%)
Caucasian/White 771 (22%)
Indian 221 (6%)
Arabian/ Middle eastern 325 (9%)
Asian 228 (6%)
American Indian 33 (0%)
Mixed Race People 932 (26%)
All People of all Nationalities 525 (15%)
The above information is quoted verbatim; not a single word was changed or altered in any way. I did however, re arrange the paragraphs for easier reading...
Writers: I create hundreds of characters in my stories, male and female, young and old. I try to visualize in my mind what I want my characters, good and bad guys, to look like, but as time goes by, my 'ideal' looking people seem to resemble each other.
Study the various facial forms offered in this article, I will try to Post the image here, the variety should offer you a wider range in describing your characters...
Artists: Art is a mental function as you recreate in your medium of choice, the reality around you or the products of your imagination. Art, by the definition of choice of subject, is also a philosophical, sociological and political statement.
Modern left wing liberal artists and consumers project the ugly, the mass of humanity, the dark and dreary cities and countryside. They project a dystopia, the end of the world in terrible terms that reflect their sense of life.
Do not make their sense of life yours. Worship and recreate beauty, symmetry and harmony as the natural state of being and spread joy with your work, not suffering.
By John Cole, © 2013, All rights reserved.
Several years ago I watched a Science Channel program that claimed facial beauty was universal, not, 'in the eye of the beholder', as we are all taught.
Before you read this, prepare to be amazed, and decide beforehand what you really think about beautiful people.
Authors and Artists, I have a special message for you at the conclusion...
“There is a Universal Standard for Facial Beauty regardless of race, age, sex, and other variables. Beautiful faces have ideal facial proportion. Ideal proportion is directly related to divine proportion, and that proportion is 1 to 1.618.
All living organisms, including humans, are genetically encoded to develop to the proportion because there are extreme esthetic and physiologic benefits. “
Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? Published on April 27, 2008 by Satoshi Kanazawa in The Scientific Fundamentalist....They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which means that different people possess different standards of beauty and that not everyone agrees on who is beautiful and who is not.
This is the first stereotype or aphorism that evolutionary psychology has overturned. It turns out that the standards of beauty are not only the same across individuals and cultures, they are also innate.
We are born with the notion of who’s beautiful and who’s not. On the surface, the aphorism “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” appears quite reasonable. Many introductory college textbooks in sociology and anthropology include pictures of people who are considered to be beautiful in different cultures, and some of them look quite bizarre to the contemporary western eye.
However, evolutionary psychological research has overturned this common assumption and widespread belief.Within the United States, both East Asians and whites, and whites and blacks agree on which faces are more or less beautiful. Cross-culturally, there is considerable agreement in the judgment of beauty among East Asians, Hispanics, and Americans; Brazilians, Americans, Russians, the Aché of Paraguay, and the Hiwi of Venezuela; Cruzans and Americans in Saint Croix; white South Africans and Americans; and the Chinese, Indians, and the English.
In none of these studies does the degree of exposure to the western media have any influence on people’s perception of beauty.
How is it possible for people from such diverse cultures to agree broadly on who is beautiful and who is not? It appears that people from different cultures share the same standards of beauty because they are innate; we are born with the knowledge of who’s beautiful and who’s not.
Two studies conducted in the mid-1980s independently demonstrate that infants as young as two and three months old gaze longer at a face that adults judge to be more attractive than at a face that adults judge to be less attractive. Babies are wonderfully hedonistic and have no manners, so they stare at objects that they consider to be pleasing. When babies stare at some faces longer than others, it indicates that they prefer to look at them and find them attractiveIn the most recent version of this experiment, newborn babies less than one week old show significantly greater preference for faces that adults judge to be attractive.
Another study shows that 12-month-old infants exhibit more observable pleasure, more play involvement, less distress, and less withdrawal when interacting with strangers wearing attractive masks than when interacting with strangers wearing unattractive masks. They also play significantly longer with facially attractive dolls than with facially unattractive dolls.
The findings of these studies are consistent with the personal experiences and observations of many parents of small children, who find that their children are much better behaved when their babysitters are physically attractive than when they are not.
Even the most ardent proponents of the traditional view that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” must admit that one week (or even a few months) is not nearly enough time for infants to have learned and internalized the (supposedly arbitrary) cultural standards of beauty through socialization and media exposure.
These studies instead strongly suggest that the broad standards of beauty might be innate, not learned or acquired through socialization. The balance of evidence indicates that beauty is decidedly not in the eye of the beholder, but might instead be part of universal human nature.”
What Nationalites of People rank the highest Genetically in facial beauty?
Spanish 361 (10%)
African 73 (2%)
Caucasian/White 771 (22%)
Indian 221 (6%)
Arabian/ Middle eastern 325 (9%)
Asian 228 (6%)
American Indian 33 (0%)
Mixed Race People 932 (26%)
All People of all Nationalities 525 (15%)
The above information is quoted verbatim; not a single word was changed or altered in any way. I did however, re arrange the paragraphs for easier reading...
Writers: I create hundreds of characters in my stories, male and female, young and old. I try to visualize in my mind what I want my characters, good and bad guys, to look like, but as time goes by, my 'ideal' looking people seem to resemble each other.
Study the various facial forms offered in this article, I will try to Post the image here, the variety should offer you a wider range in describing your characters...
Artists: Art is a mental function as you recreate in your medium of choice, the reality around you or the products of your imagination. Art, by the definition of choice of subject, is also a philosophical, sociological and political statement.
Modern left wing liberal artists and consumers project the ugly, the mass of humanity, the dark and dreary cities and countryside. They project a dystopia, the end of the world in terrible terms that reflect their sense of life.
Do not make their sense of life yours. Worship and recreate beauty, symmetry and harmony as the natural state of being and spread joy with your work, not suffering.
By John Cole, © 2013, All rights reserved.