I'm Alive!

Congratulations. :D

You're trying to make it to 100 posts before Halloween aren't ya?

Well; that might turn out to be the case...truth is...got kinda lonely *blushing*
Yeah, that's true. Most of the posters (from the US) are at work or school, I know I am,
but I'm on a self-imposed break.:D

Anyway, I haven't seen ya before, so welcome to Lit.!
Thank you...

Thank you Mona...haven't seen you before either *waving* It's nice to meet you...
Well, I guess being alive is better then the alternative!
But fyi, you have to start threads in the appropriate forum. For instance, this isn't a "how to" thread, so it may be moved to the general board. It sucks, but that's the Lit Law. Consider yourself informed. ;)

I hope you're keeping warm, it's mighty cold out there!!
I'm such a blonde...

Duh...well maybe one day I'll get it...*sly grin* It's alot warmer since you came in sweetie...

Didn't you say there's a different Southern NH thread?
File Under "How To" Survive...

Just so's the folks can understand the reference "I'm Alive"...many months ago I was dumped, yet again, and after 3 years together it was a bit of a shock.

It nearly killed me...but like Jackson Browne's great song from a few years back..."I'm Alive."

Finally I feel that I have moved on and begun to recover...so, I wasn't being flip by this post...

Thanks to whomever might even give a damn...*smile*

Nice try, but it wasn't the best attempt to save a thread I've seen. :p
That is the truth...

Hey now, be nice...that is the truth...it took me months to recover and I'm still not there yet...
