im a clean deases male with a 9"


Mar 26, 2003
male here to satisfy woman and give them the pleasure they need .but my first step is to bath u every were especialy the ass
but with my long thung then make u cum and if i see that ur dying for my 9 ill start slow ly ontill u beg me to ram it home.
so if theres any ladies that will like to try this or imagin a man giving her a bath with a thung give me a holla at :p
Call me a smartass if you will, but I think the ladies might be a bit more impressed if you were actually literate.

9' is great an all, but if you can't read a womans signals your lost.
f u

your mother what! and u dont want to f with me so be care full for i just might f u in the ass u f gay
Re: f u

locopinga said:
your mother what! and u dont want to f with me so be care full for i just might f u in the ass u f gay

Move out of the ghetto and go back to school
I don't know whether or not to laugh, be scared, or cry... cause I have NO CLUE as to what the hell he just said.

so what if you have 9". you definitely don't have anything upstairs.
blow me bitch

why dont u ask ur mother she might tell u if i have some thing up there lol and for i know ur father said u blow good so blow me bithc lmaol.