
If America made a drastic course correction in its relations with foreign countries, which seems likely either by choice or by necessity, would Americans lose out on any great benefits or advantages? What if we changed things like this:

In the Middle East:

- We're here to do business, not tell you how to run your countries or live your lives.
- Settle your squabbles among yourselves. They are none of our business - until they affect business.

In Europe:

- We protected you and rebuilt you. Now you are rebuilt and rich - so you can protect yourselves.
- NATO is no longer in our interests, so we are pulling out. Do with it what you will.

In Asia:

- We are willing to do business and nothing else.

With Russia:

- Since we are no longer trying to twist the world to suit our ideas and purposes, we no longer need an enemy.
- Let's do business.

And before you just emote and pour your programming all over the screen, think for a minute. Would this really be any worse, COULD it really be any worse, than a foreign policy that has us on the brink of WW3... for nothing?
Its what Trump essentially said

He is right
Its called America First
And America First begat Pearl Harbor, 82 years ago to the day.

America First also turned a blind eye to something called The Holocaust as you may recall.
And America First begat Pearl Harbor, 82 years ago to the day.

America First also turned a blind eye to something called The Holocaust as you may recall.
Kinked denies that whole thing
I don't know if Kinked actually denies the Holocaust...or supports it. It's gotta be one of those two.
The fight for oil will get more vicious as oil becomes more scarce. The only way to stay out of oil wars is stop using oil, which we will eventually. And then there will still be wars between states for anything valuable here.