If you squeeze a kitten to death..


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
If you squeeze a kitten to death, will it's guts shoot out of it's mouth or it's ass?
You really are one sick motherfucker, aren't you?

Excuse me, I was sarcastically referring to animal cruelty in China and South-East Asia.

Every year, millions of cats and dogs (including kittens and puppies) are skinned alive at fur factories. The live skinnings are done to speed up production and maximize profits.

There is graphic hidden-camera video of this on the internet.
Ya, except there was no link referring to that, nor does skinning kittens alive having anything to do with squeezing their guts out to see which end it shoots out.
i have a snake and often if the mouse is to large to eat, its insides become its outsides :( its rather gross.