If you see a penny on the floor or on the street do you pick it up?


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Anyhow. I do. I did today at the gas station. I ask because they just had a show on tv and they dropped 100 pennies on the ground in NYC and thousands of people walked right on by...no one stopped to pick any up until one old couple probably tourists stopped and picked up one as a souvenir.

I was pretty amazed.
I pick up coins all the time when I spot them. I'm sure it adds up.

I see one old guy, several times a month, picking up aluminum cans and coins.Always nicely dressed. Going back and forth between 2 towns. One time, I seen him in a convenience store staring at the coffee stand and sandwiches, then offered to buy him something. He said no in a happy way and didn't need anything from anyone. I found out later he was well off and it was his hobby.
I worked at a machine shop when I was younger and the guys would throw pennies on the floor just to watch me pick them up. They got a kick out of it. I got free money.

I worked at a machine shop when I was younger and the guys would throw pennies on the floor just to watch me pick them up. They got a kick out of it. I got free money.


That's a shitty way to make fun of you, KS. But one man's junk is another man's gold.
I pick up coins all the time when I spot them. I'm sure it adds up.

I see one old guy, several times a month, picking up aluminum cans and coins.Always nicely dressed. Going back and forth between 2 towns. One time, I seen him in a convenience store staring at the coffee stand and sandwiches, then offered to buy him something. He said no in a happy way and didn't need anything from anyone. I found out later he was well off and it was his hobby.

Growing up there was this German couple that lived down the street that would cruise the neighborhood nightly picking up cans. I lived near a high school so they'd come back around with a shopping bag full off crushed cans. Each year it paid for their trip home.
Growing up there was this German couple that lived down the street that would cruise the neighborhood nightly picking up cans. I lived near a high school so they'd come back around with a shopping bag full off crushed cans. Each year it paid for their trip home.

That's cool. I've never understood why some people think it's funny or degrading. It could be me someday having to do that to survive. It's honest and helps keep things free of litter.
That's cool. I've never understood why some people think it's funny or degrading. It could be me someday having to do that to survive. It's honest and helps keep things free of litter.

They said it was also their way to keep fit.
A wheat penny, sure.

no, indian heads. those are actually worth something. good luck, though. i've only ever found one. it was worth about five to seven bucks. hardly life changing, but, hey, it's a fucking penny. what do you want?
Would this mean I get half the money, even though I didn't do any labor?
I find it funny all the no votes are female and all the yes votes are male....
Wondering why my 'wàsnt' comes out like some odd foreign word.
Yes, I do.
And I have this nifty little coin purse that I carry and all the coins I find go in there, to be donated to Legacy every year (along with my standard donation).
I pick up pennies and even junk. The pennies are tossed into a vase and cashed out at Christmas, usually $20-$30. I make stuff from the junk.

I knew one old guy who collected pop bottles, copper, whatever, and had millions. The trick to being rich is to seize every opportunity to make a buck.