If You Only Knew

It was odd the way she was behaving but James chalked it up to what had happened over the last few hours. Not only had his fingers dipped inside her but she had lost at a game, and badly. When she finished speaking he allowed a grin to peek through, saying, “Well, who doesn’t wanna fuck?”

He expected her to say something but hadn’t expected her to offer the couch. However they were hardly doing anything yet and the game had just begun anew. Mandy wasn’t going to get by this one on words only, not after what had just happened. James knew the stakes were raised a little considering what had happened in the kitchen and was prepared to take them just a little farther than usual to win. He couldn’t let his little sister be victorious.

After a few silent moments had passed he shrugged lightly and moved toward the couch. If she were going to do anything about it, he was going to make sure she started it all. James had called her out, asking her if she wanted a fuck and there she was, preferring the couch. To not fuck him would be to lose but to fuck him meant she had wanted it the entire time.

As he sat down he looked across the room toward his sister as he still wore a humorous smile, “Alright. Strip down and get on over here little sis.”
Mandy's heart was pounding, her nerves making her stomach quiver as her brother called her on her bluff. She wasn't going to back down like a coward. She was tired of him having the upper hand, though part of her knew that one way or another she wasn't truly going to win this battle.

With a jerky nod, she stood from though couch and slowly stripped off her jeans. Her black bikini cut panties and bra seemed to stand out in stark contrast to her skin and as she kicked off the jeans, for a moment, Mandy had to gather up the courage to continue.

His eyes kept on daring her, making a slow thorough journey down her body, only to quickly drift up as she unsnapped her bra and tossed her bra aside. Her pretty and full breasts sat proudly, the nipples already puckered as the AC in his apartment forced a shiver down her spin.

"What about you?" She breathed, pointing to his clothing. "This isn't very fair...what's the matter? Chicken?"
James was more than a little surprised when his sister finally unclasped her bra but it wasn’t something he hadn’t felt just a few minutes before. If she were going to try to push his buttons he wasn’t about to let her. After all, she had a large deficit to overcome. After he looked at her tits his eyes slowly raised towards hers as she posed the challenge. The situation was hardly normal but then again, the competition never changed.

Then he smiled briefly, “So you do want to fuck.” It was more than a factual statement in his eyes. It was another dare in a long line of them. Obviously his sister’s exposed tits wasn’t going to be enough for him, nor was it enough to make her a winner and he wanted to make sure she understood that fact.

“Well, you’re still wearing your panties,” he commented with a wry smirk. “And if you really want it that bad then you’ll come over here and undress me yourself.” That was it. It was all going to be on her from here on out. He was going to prove it to her and after she backed off, he’d be able to poke fun at her for not only making those claims but also for exposing her breasts to him.
Mandy hated that he wasn't making this easy on her. He wasn't reacting as though he was shocked or that he had any remembrance from the night before. This stung a little...she hadn't figured it had been that bad or unmemorable that he'd forget. After all...he'd fucked his own sister! How did one forget such a thing!?

For a moment she gnawed on her lower lip, uncertain. Maybe she'd dreamt it all up? No...there was no way she could have done that.

Swallowing hard, she gaze at him and felt herself flush, feeling completely exposed, even if she did still have her panties on. Drawing in a deep breath, she slid her fingers into the material on either side and wiggled out of the flimsy material - tossing it aside before she moved to where he sat.

He wasn't going to best her, she told herself. No way would she let him tease her for an eternity about this. Leaning over him, she held her breast as her breasts almost touched his face, so very close she could feel his hot breath on her skin as she dipped lower still to grasp the bottom of his shirt, giving it a tug.
There was his sister completely naked in front of him but James appeared unfazed. Considering what they’d just done in the kitchen, playing naked time wasn’t exactly startling, especially while he still had on all his clothes and a social lubricant coursing through his veins. But that wasn’t to say James wasn’t surprised by how brash his sister had become.

He provided that same grin as she approached him. She had removed her own clothing. She was coming to him. Hell, she was even beginning to take off his clothes. And he was definitely going to make her remember it after she conceded the loss.

As she prepared to remove his shirt he saw her breasts come closer so she could get that ever important grip. James’ heated breath hit against her breast, conflicting with the cool air coating the rest of her body. She was so close he could almost taste her although he was sure she’d back off long before he was ever given the chance.

In order to help her dig herself into her own hole, James leaned forward slightly, letting her remove the shirt from his shoulders. When the shirt had cleared his body he leaned back with his body against the cushions of the couch. James looked up toward his sister. The pants were supposed to be the next to go but James felt as though he didn’t need to give his sister that instruction. It was all on her.
Mandy slowly sank to her knees as she tossed the shirt over his shoulder. She willed her hands not to tremble, but she could see that her fingers still gave away her nerves as she slowly slid her fingers across his belly and unsnapped the button of his pants and slowly released the zipper. The rasp of the metal on metal sounded extremely loud to her as his pants gaped open at the crotch.

"Lift up." She urged, not meeting his gaze as she tugged at their side of his pants and wiggled her body back. Her breasts bounced gently as she dug her fingers into his boxers as well. When he didn't immediately move, her gaze moved up to his.

"I need a little help...I know you're not going shy on me now, are you big brother?" She taunted softly and boldly while feeling completely out of control inside.
James’ eyes burrowed into hers, trying to find them no matter how much it seemed she tried to look anywhere else. But then he caught her sight when she finally looked up after he stubbornly refused to budge. Still he didn’t believe that she would go too far with it. Perhaps she was still upset or trying to dare him to blink first but that wasn’t going to happen. He reasoned that she was already naked and she wanted him in the same position. Being naked together hardly fell into the same region as fucking.

With the slightest of efforts James raised himself up long enough so she’d be able to pull on the last of his clothes. When she was through with it he sat back down as he looked to her. There was more to it than just looking at his sister, it was looking at a beautiful woman sitting before him who said in no words at all that she wanted to get laid.

When the last stitch of his clothes were peeled from his body he looked down to her, questioning, “Well, what are you going to do now?”
She didn't answer him as her gaze slowly drifted down the length of his body much like he had done to hers just moments ago. Slowly she pressed her hands against his bare knees and hoisted herself up and stood. Memories of the night before flooded her mind...some broken, some not so much...but the feel of him she remembered. His touch, his taste, the hot feel of his breath puffing against her skin as he took pleasure in her body.

She shivered and bit down on her tongue to keep herself from moaning out loud. She knew he didn't believe she would finish this. She was nowhere near done. Slowly one knee sank beside one side of his hip and the other joined on the other side, bracketing his body as her bare bottom settled on his warm thighs.

Her arms slid around his neck as she pressed closer and rubbed her bare breasts against his breasts, bringing her crotch intimately close to his as her lips pressed against his own and her fingers slid through his hair, hoping to coax him into a kiss. It seemed so taboo...to kiss him like this. Perhaps more intimate that being naked against him, but the scent and warmth of him made her crave it all the more.
Every moment seemed to make the situation more serious but he knew his sister couldn’t really go through with it. She was just trying to beat him on a new scale while he was doing the same. The problem was knowing when the escalation was going too far. And even as her bare ass straddled him the end seemed so far away.

As she came closer, feeling her breasts against his chest, her fingers in his hair It no longer felt like his sister. But it still looked like her which made it a little easier for him to cup his hand over her mouth with a grin, “Nothing was said about kissing, sis. Only fucking.”

James’ free hand, with a lack of a more appropriate place to fall, laid beside them as this naked girl covered his body. As much as his head seemed in the right place and his arm followed obediently, his cock was screaming for attention as it slowly grew between them. He was still sure she’d back off without touching him, without going further and he did what he could to ignore his desire.
A small flash of hurt crossed her face as he pressed his hand against her mouth. He hadn't complained the night before, that was sure. For a moment she debating stopping then and there...if her kisses were that repulsing to him, then she would just gather her things and go. But she knew that's what he wanted...

With a slight shrug, she licked his palm, tickling the skin as she slid a hand down to boldy grasp his growing cock. Tit for tat - he had touched her there after all.

She felt his body instantly tense as he removed his hand from her mouth and wiped it against her hip. She let out a small laugh and stroked him in her soft, smooth hand. The tip pressed against her belly and she squirmed slowly and deliberately, rubbing herself against his body. "So...I just get to have my way or are you going to participate at all in this?" She asked softly, dipping her head to the side to press against the side of his neck and nuzzle his skin.
Instantly James withdrew his hand from her mouth as he felt the tickle from her tongue. If she was getting naked in front of him and willing to straddle him he wasn’t too surprised that she had tried to kiss him. But that move did seem to make her reach for something else underneath her.

When she grabbed a hold of him he was surprised at first but his mind quickly withdrew to just minutes before when he had her screaming for more against the counter. This wasn’t an escalation, he told himself, it was merely a repetition of what had already happened. Obviously they weren’t so close to fucking one another senseless as they were now but in order to keep his sanity he had to tell himself that she would rather lose than take it further.

With a slight smirk on his face, still not believing that she’d do anything, he spoke, “So now you need direction? Feels like you have a good grip on things. Don’t let your brother hold you back from what you want.”
They were both being stupid - she knew that. She knew that he was also not going to ever back down, so the fact that he kept handing her the ball in this was also not a surprise to Mandy as she laughed softly against his neck, although the word brother seemed to douse her with cold water just a little. The realization that he wasn't just another guy...they shared the same parents, had grown up together, shared so many things, but never this...until last night anyway.

Closing her eyes, she pressed her lips to his neck and sighed, "I know what to do with this, don't worry." She purred out softly and stroked him, feeling him twitch and lengthen, filling in her hand as she pressed him to her hot center and slowly ground herself against his length.

Memories of earlier....of the what he'd done to her in the kitchen and in bed the night before flooded her mind and had already left her moist and achy for more. Slickness coated the underside of his cock, lubing the way for her to continue stroking him until he was hot and hard in her hand.
In his mind things were becoming a little more than murky as he felt his cock rubbing against her pussy. He reminded himself that he had touched her there, made her cum and this was just her way of getting back, of trying to beat him in some way. As long as she wouldn’t bring him inside her, he told himself, then things could still be normal between them. And he would be the winner because she was not going to go through with it. How could she? Either she left and accepted the loss or admitted that she wanted to fuck her own brother.

Then he felt her lips against his skin. He had to snap her out of this loving kind of thing. If she was going to do it then she was going to be fully aware about every little thing. There wasn’t going to be any hazy pretending or tender kisses. He had asked her if she wanted to fuck. Nothing else.

James decided against saying anything to her as his hands finally came to life. His hands slipped between their bodies until he had rediscovered her nipples. Without hesitation his fingers clamped down, pinching and pulling her in an effort to do nothing more than pry her lips away from his skin.
Mandy gasped and almost jerked as he tugged at her nipples. He wasn't too gentle about it either, but she was already hot and achy, needy for more. Her mouth broke away from his neck as she sat up and looked down at his handsome face. "Ow." She complained, but only halfheartedly as he rolled them between his thumb and pointer.

His smirk told her he knew she was full of shit as her slick cunt continued to grind against his length and her breaths burst out a little unevenly. Wrong wrong wrong...her mind kept repeating, but the thought of the night before kept flooding her mind.

"I think you're ready." She moaned, arching her back and thrusting her tits more fully into his hands. Her hips wiggled as she lifted slightly, her hold on his cock tightening a fraction as she rubbed his head against her slick pussy lips, nudging her opening and then she began to lower herself, pressing him into her tight hot little hole.
Her exclamation of pain made him smile briefly toward her but it didn’t relax his grip on her instantly. A pair of tits were in his hands and at this point it didn’t matter if it was his sister or not. It wasn’t an easy thing to set aside, besides, they had already done more than this earlier in the day. At least he had done as much to her.

In spite of all the thoughts going through his head telling himself that what they were doing wasn’t a big deal, that it was a game he couldn’t help but think that it was wrong. Even with these thoughts there was a naked girl straddling him, threatening to fuck him, telling him in not so many words that she wanted it for whatever reason. Although he now felt that reason had flown out the window long ago and all that was left were two people who wanted to ride one another. Winning, losing, neither was a thought in his head as he felt her rubbing against him.

James easily felt the pressure against his hands as she pressed forward. She seemed and felt just like any other girl except when she spoke. Then she sounded like his sister but he could ignore her in that way; he’d done it many times before with other girls. She would be no different. And as she brought him closer toward her he released his grip on her nipples, slapping either side of her ass with both his hands as he gripped her there. And even while she was beginning to lower herself toward him he didn’t stop her but he didn’t help her either.
She gasped loudly as he slapped her firm flesh and dug his fingers into her hips and ass. Pleasure hummed through her, making her shiver with delight as she dropped down and took inch after inch of his cock deep into her body. Closing her eyes, she moaned, letting go. This was it. She'd done it...again. This time more consciously than the last. She hadn't backed down, hadn't chickened out. For better or worse, she was now fucking her own brother.

She settled against his lap and took a long shuddering breath as her muscles quivered all around him and then gripped his shoulders tightly. Eyes still closed, she let her head drop back a little, thrusting her pretty tits in his face as she began to establish a rhythm

With a soft mewl, she worked her hips, rocking, rolling them, working his cock slowly out as if testing it all over again and then taking him again. After a few cautious moves, she relaxed and took him more easily, lost in the sensation all over again.
The realization of what his sister was doing seemed to cross him all at once. To go from tiptoeing along the highwire to dousing a bridge with napalm was going to change everything. But James didn’t toss her away and he didn’t have any repulsion inside him. But a lot of that had to do with the fact that she was already fucking him, and pussy felt good.

Then as she rolled, rocked her hips his hands felt her movements as he hadn’t relaxed his grip. Those first seconds rolled by like a daze before he shot himself back into reality, staring up at his bare breasted sister fucking him, and completely into it. And now that the taboo had been decimated there was nothing left for him to do but to give into the desire that had been building up inside him since they began their game.

It didn’t take long after that when he finally took his real action, showing that she wasn’t alone in the moment. As she established the initial rhythm he rose his hips against her to meet her, driving inside her as they connected repeatedly. James allowed him to slide a little on the furniture to give him a little leverage as his hands reaffirmed their grip on her ass. As she humped him for satisfaction his grip guided her right where he wanted her to land every time.

James wanted to tell her that he knew it, that she wanted a fuck but he couldn’t get the words out. Rather than say something all he wanted to do was watch this girl rise and fall on top of him as he used her body for nothing more than what it was built for.
Mandy felt a flood of relief as James became more active. As soon as she began rolling her hips, his body began to respond, moving with hers. She moaned and gasped as he thrust up to meet her own rocking hips.

Pleasure burst through her with every move, loving the way he grasped her tight ass and guided her, making it better for both of them. Eyes still closed, she leaned further back, letting her body flex as she propped her hands against the tops of his thighs and kept on riding. Her thighs burned, but she was beyond caring, but too afraid to gaze at him. Afraid of what she might see in his eyes...would he mock her? Or maybe a sly smirk of victory? She was hoping for pure desire, but didn't want to chance it.

Instead her pretty little body moved, her tits bouncing as she spread herself over him, giving him the perfect eye full of pink pussy taking his cock again and again and again. She cried out as he drove that little bit harder, giving her every sweet inch.
It was easy to seem for James that she wasn’t looking him in the eye. She couldn’t have been too shy, but she could’ve been embarrassed about taking what she wanted. The brief thought wasn’t enough to break his view of his sister though because soon he wasn’t looking at her eyes either. He’d been occupied by her moving tits and her pussy falling over him again and again. It was something he wouldn’t have believed if he didn’t have the pleasure to prove it. She was proving to be a good fuck but he wanted to take more from her.

Without a word of warning his pace slowed as he gripped her ass harder. James moved to sit up a little, giving him enough strength to shove the both of them from the couch until he was standing with his little sister impaled upon his cock, one hand on her ass to hold her and the other moving to her back to steady her. But this lasted a few seconds only as he moved them back to the couch and he laid her down easily, keeping himself where he belonged, between her legs.

When she was down then he was able to take control as he wanted. There was no simple or easy rhythm to latch on to. It was more like what had happened the night before. A frantic fucking as he used her body as though it were just lying there like a rag. If she wanted this then he wasn’t going to stop until he was sure she got it.
Mandy let out a small grunt and then cried out as her brother switched spots and took complete control. Legs raised and pushed apart, she was helpless to do anything but hold on. Her hands gripped him and the couch as he plowed into her ruthlessly.

Pleasure burst through her as he ground against her, his hips and cock hitting all the right places at onces and her body jerked and trembled. The hours of teasing and play and pent up emotions took over and suddenly she was there again. Crying out, Mandy tightened all around him and tumbled over the edge into white hot bliss.

Her orgasm took over, robbing her breath after she let out a scream and bucked, writhing under his pumping body as her pussy milked his cock.
James took notice as she held on to him no matter her vulnerable situation. She could’ve done nothing more than laid there while he used her body yet she seemed to give as much as she received. Although James didn’t want it to simply come out to be a draw. He wanted her body to know that it had to pay for its little exploration and he rammed in hips into her repeatedly, ravaging her like a wasted Freshman on a Saturday night. And in those moments that’s all she was. Something to use.

Then he heard her scream, giving in to a seemingly uncontrollable sound as he plunged his cock deep inside her. There he stayed as he painted her insides with his cum, pushing himself deeper as he sought those last few moments of pleasure from her flesh. He stared down at her, knowing there was something yet to be done.

As he pulled his body away from hers and his cock slipped from her body he spoke, “I knew you wanted to fuck.” Then he moved up along her body, his knees climbing over her on either side of her until her face was positioned directly under him. Then much like a brother would do he pinched her nose in order for her to open her mouth, but unlike a brother, he lowered his dick to her mouth for her to take him in. And to keep her in place he held her still with his free hand, holding her hostage to the couch by her hair.
Mandy was still shuddering, lost in the haze of pleasure when he suddenly pulled out of her. The sudden emptiness made her groan, missing the heat of him, but then soon that all changed to confusion as he suddenly pinned her down.

She opened her mouth to protest, trying to jerk her face away and wincing as he gripped her hair and kept her still. A strangled cry escaped her lips before her mouth was suddenly filled with his cum soaked cock.

Trying to catch her breath, she panted helplessly around his dick, gazing up at him, torn between wanting to be defiant and being the little cock whore he obviously thought she was. Her limbs felt like led and he was already jammed into her mouth, so Mandy did the only thing she could think about doing. She began to clean him off, sucking off their combined juices.
James was hardly surprised that she had done what he expected. And because of this he removed his hold over her nose, letting her breathe through it once he was sure she was intent on sucking him down. But just because James was her brother didn’t mean he was going to go easy on her. It was quite the opposite. Bracing both hands against the arm rest of the couch he leaned his hips forward, his cock filling her throat deeper as he held himself there. Her gagging wouldn’t have bothered him in the least since she still had that vital airway through her nose to breathe through.

When he had felt she had enough he removed himself from her. Inch by inch he pulled his length out of her mouth until she was completely free from him. And he dared not leave her without a smile.

With his cock hanging just above her lips he repeated with a granite-like grin, “So you wanted a fuck?” James didn’t wait for an answer for their actions had already told him. He instigated nothing, reaped everything and had his sister’s confession wrapped up in every bit of it. There was a certain amount of strangeness attached to it but believing that his sister had more guilt about it seemed to relax any inhibitions he had.

Or maybe it was the toxins still running through his body but that didn’t mean he was going to be completely rude. As he removed himself from his sister’s body and the couch he stood aside of it, staring down at her for a moment, asking, “Can I get you anything?”

Then with his depraved sense of humor he reached for the remote and began the sister and brother incest pornography from the beginning as he walked into the kitchen naked as the day they both were born.
She lay there, spent, dazed and a little drowsy after all of that. But James was still on form, in his element as he strode away, confident in what had just happened while she was still a muddled mess...but a very satisfied mess.

Pulling herself up, she stood, feeling his cum dribble down the inside of her thigh and grabbed for her clothing, picking up the discarded pieces. "Using your shower." She called out, needing to bring herself back to reality. This...was...crazy.

Not waiting for his answer, she moved to his bedroom, shutting the door behind her before entering his bathroom and going into her automatic routine. She knew he kept an extra toothbrush and grabbed it, going through the motions of brushing her teeth as she set the water temp up in the shower and did a quick rinse and spit before submerging herself under the hot spray and moaned as it pelted against her skin. What were they doing? How had they gone from a normal brother/sister relationship to fucking twice within a 24 hour span?! And while he was gloating over her apparently wanting to fuck, he certainly didn't seem to care that they had fucked. He didn't even seem disgusted. So maybe they were both crazy.
As James left her there he heard his sister calling out that she’d use the shower just as he began to run an empty glass underneath the faucet. Cold water filled itself to the brim of the cup as he raised it and began to drink. Slowly the glass drained itself as he used the water to help recover himself from the night before and from what had just happened on the couch. He had to admit it that he didn’t think she would go through with it but now that she had it changed everything. Nothing would be the same.

James set the empty glass in the sink as he left the kitchen and walked down the hall, hearing the sound of water slamming against the floor of the shower. Since it was his place and he’d just had her, James pressed open the door to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. A wave of cool air rushed in to counter the heat from the water pouring over his sister but he paid it little mind.

With the rake of a hand he swung aside the shower curtain separating her from the view of her brother. Still carrying the scent of sex he leaned against the counter with the mirror behind him as he looked on toward his sister.

James folded his arms over his chest as he stared at her body as he commented, “So. This is a regular thing now.”