If you have a bearded man pretending to be a princess, if you have Snow White calling the Prince a stalker etc. YOU GET


Loves Spam
Jul 5, 2023
Disney $DIS is currently on pace to close trading today at its lowest level in almost 9 yearsDisney shares haven’t closed lower than $84 since Oct. 17, 2014
When Disney shuts and 70K workers directly employed are no longer employed, Ron will be able to put up a hoarding in Kissimmee saying 'I did that'.
When Disney shuts and 70K workers directly employed are no longer employed, Ron will be able to put up a hoarding in Kissimmee saying 'I did that'.
And when the one in California shuts down too, I guess it's on Trump?
The Left needs a boogey man.

When your ideas scare the crap out of people, you need a lot of misdirection.
Looking at this without bringing politics into it-because yes, people who think for themselves can manage this- Disney is simply on a losing roll with content

The MCU is suffering from superhero fatigue-as is the DCEU-the best characters and storyline have been used up, and everything since is scattered, disjointed and flat. They destroyed the Star Wars franchise with only Andor getting some acclaim from critics, but still losing money because Disney has soured people on the franchise. Indy 5 because of reshoots and delays lost huge money.

Their streaming service is a money pit, and all in all they have released nothing resembling a hit in a long time.

The dwindling attendance in parks that the right thinks is all due to politics is as simple as....this economy is awful, inflation awful, and people simply do not have the money to take the family to the parks right now. Its that simple, its not a loss for one side and win for another, its basic economics.

As evidenced by lawsuits from SCarjo and now Pixar's creators, Disney has been unethically screwing people out of money, and that does little to make people want to support them when they're a multi billion dollar operation who is fucking hard working people out of money. If Bezos, Musk, Gates or any other obscenely rich person did this, people would be outraged...and they are at Disney as well except of course for the political left who can never admit something they're told to support does something wrong.

I'll preface this by saying I'm not taking a stance or a political side in my following points, these are simple facts that have affected their finances.

They are pushing too hard towards what they claim is 'modern audiences' but is really trying to bank on "wokism". Issue is they're appealing to a small demographic and alienating the majority. They are fan baiting to the extreme-most recent example Zieglar from the Snow White remake insulting and trashing the original therefore pushing away viewers before the thing comes out and this has been a pattern in all of Hollywood for the last few years and....yeah, as a whole they're failing as much as Disney, the feud with Desantis which is based on the deciding to insert themselves into a polarizing situation regarding young kids in school has cost them customers and got them whacked to pay taxes they have never previously paid.

Disney is in a perfect storm of shit, and the idea of bringing Iger-who is responsible for most the mess, back to keep doing the same things isn't going to help.

Last point is that every culture creates a counter culture and as they bait and attack viewers with the "if you don't like this its not because it sucks its because you're an ist/phobe has led to th birth of toxic you tubers with large followings blasting evrything Disney does to an unfair level, and twisting things and their lemming followers who have never or will ever watch the show being bashed will run across the internet attacking something they have never seen one second of because the Critical Incel...I mean Drinker has told them "We good, it bad" and turning people from it.

So yeah...blessed be the internet
So a person is pretending to be a character and someone is creating a thread complaining because the character is not what they think it should be.

And the OP believes it's.someone elses responsibility that they don't like it.

Yep...must be a right wing post.
Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving company. Disney is entertainment, they should stick to what they know and what increases their shareholders’ money.