If you had to pick just 1 sniper rifle with a scope in a domestic war...

depends. flat shooting effectiveness but ammo not common and expensive it would be the .338 lapua. a decent rifle, common ammo, not as expensive it would be a .308 remington
JesusMotherFuckingChrist :rolleyes:

Got My .308 FAL already set up and can shoot some tight groups at 200 yds and head shots at 300 yds along with a 50 round drum for some suppression fire.
M79 40mm Grenade Launcher

Theyre too kewl for skewl. You can blow your target outta a tree or car or hide or anything!
...what make & caliber would you pick?

M40A5 7.62x51

It's highly unlikely that any civilian is going to get their hands on either an M-24 or an M-40 system.

However, as both of the above are built on the Remington 700, you can build your own. All you need to start with is a Rem. 700 short action. (I'm going with 7.62x51 and will go into more detail later.) All your interested in is the action, as long as that is sound you can throw the rest of the parts away.

Going to mount a Douglas barrel (Palma or Varmit taper and air gauged), with either a MacMillan or Bell & Carlson tactical stock and a Timney target trigger assy. Be sure to order a longer than std. barrel blank, 26" to start with. The longer barrel will allow you to re-crown a couple of times if required and will give you a slight velocity advantage with proper powder choice.

For the scope I'd go with the Nightforce 2.5x10 or 3.5x15, MOAR reticle. The variable range on the scope would be determined by what particular type of situations I would be typically engaged in.

Back to the ammo. I'd go with the 7.62x51 because of the ready availability of brass. It goes without saying that in the OP's scenario you aren't going to be going to the local gun store to buy ammo so you'd better damn well have a complete reloading set-up, plenty of primers, powder, and bullets. And for the bullets I'd probably build up loads around the Seirra 168gr HPBT bullet. Light enough to get good velocity with and heavy enough for decent down range energy retention with a decent BC.

There are better ways to go based on specific situations and goals, but the above rig will get the job done in most situations without requiring a ton of logistic support to keep shooting.

It's highly unlikely that any civilian is going to get their hands on either an M-24 or an M-40 system.

However, as both of the above are built on the Remington 700, you can build your own. All you need to start with is a Rem. 700 short action. (I'm going with 7.62x51 and will go into more detail later.) All your interested in is the action, as long as that is sound you can throw the rest of the parts away.

Going to mount a Douglas barrel (Palma or Varmit taper and air gauged), with either a MacMillan or Bell & Carlson tactical stock and a Timney target trigger assy. Be sure to order a longer than std. barrel blank, 26" to start with. The longer barrel will allow you to re-crown a couple of times if required and will give you a slight velocity advantage with proper powder choice.

For the scope I'd go with the Nightforce 2.5x10 or 3.5x15, MOAR reticle. The variable range on the scope would be determined by what particular type of situations I would be typically engaged in.

Back to the ammo. I'd go with the 7.62x51 because of the ready availability of brass. It goes without saying that in the OP's scenario you aren't going to be going to the local gun store to buy ammo so you'd better damn well have a complete reloading set-up, plenty of primers, powder, and bullets. And for the bullets I'd probably build up loads around the Seirra 168gr HPBT bullet. Light enough to get good velocity with and heavy enough for decent down range energy retention with a decent BC.

There are better ways to go based on specific situations and goals, but the above rig will get the job done in most situations without requiring a ton of logistic support to keep shooting.

You're either a gun nut or a gunsmith, either way, 'nice info'. I have a Savage,
I'm left handed, that I think is a better if not more publicized way to go. I use Winchester brass. I've experimented with other bullets than boattail and I've won literelly thousands of dollars in prize money in long range sniper contests, 300 to 500 yards. Matching scope and barrel is the secret, at least in my mind.

At those distances, confidence in your gear is paramount.

I'm gonna pick "whatever my older son is comfy with." He is by far the best shot in the family.