If you had to marry the last person you had sex with...


♡♡ Snuggle-Matrix ♡♡
Oct 10, 2009
Random question that I saw elsewhere on the net. But I am looking forward to a variety of interesting responses from my fellow litsters!!

If you had to marry the last person you had sex with, would you be happy?

My answer is...I'd be very pleased sexually, but not sure if it would be a great thing overall.
I actually proposed to the woman I've been exclusively having sex with for a long time, but she called off the engagement when she found out I had trained myself not to experience jealousy. I used to have a lot of emotional problems which the practice of Stoicism has mostly cured, but she seems to think that it's making me less human. Ironically, it's the practice of Stoicism that allows me to tolerate her criticism, though admittedly it does still bother me sometimes.

I've never had sex with the woman I want most to marry, not because she didn't want to but only for lack of opportunity. Our long-distance relationship was going very well, so I can't even really imagine how happy I'd be with her in person.
Very interesting question.

I would love to give an emphatic yes, but this question actually makes me sad, given the state of that specific relationship. He's a really wonderful person (and the sex is great), but he's dealing with so much in his life right now, he's withdrawn. I need more, so it pains me greatly to say I don't think it would work. I want to help him, but he won't let me. It's tough, as I do love him and have always wanted the best for him.

So... yeah. :( Probably not so much.
No, I wouldn't. She was a wonderful person in many ways though not someone that I could imagine spending a married life with. The sex was okay, not great and there were no indications that it was going to get better or more frequent.
The sex is good, but the longer we're together the less I think the marriage end of it would be great. The girl I had sex with before her, the sex isn't as good (great body but she's just not as... good in bed.. I guess..) but I think if we were married the relationship would be great.

Interesting question though, I like it!
Random question that I saw elsewhere on the net. But I am looking forward to a variety of interesting responses from my fellow litsters!!

If you had to marry the last person you had sex with, would you be happy?

My answer is...I'd be very pleased sexually, but not sure if it would be a great thing overall.

Answer:Hell yeah...definitely on the sex part aalthough she does have a great personality too but we only met a little bit ago. I liked to think positive though. Haha!! :D
Thank you all for your responses and sharing your stories!
Interesting question and given he's great in bed and a military guy it would be interesting, but other differences would create issues :(
Interesting. The last person I had sex with actually asked me to marry him and I said no....so I would think the marriage would be pretty horrible :rolleyes:
I'd be absolutely thrilled with her... and hoping for that marriage part

Not best pleased. The sex was ok but what's with the way most people seem to kiss?! So much tongue I had dried out lips by the morning.
Great thread, I actually met my currant Wife here on lit and yes she's the last person I've had sex with though We both have shared women over the last few years....

I did and we are.
Which does raise a question as to why I'm here, but I would say that we have been generally happy
I did and we are.
Which does raise a question as to why I'm here, but I would say that we have been generally happy

We are all here for a variety of reasons and not all bad.

If anything Lit has helped me be more open minded and sexually explorative.

Thanks to all for sharing your thoughts!
not sure? I'd like to think so in a perfect world but it's not

I really had the deepest love and feelings of care in all the relationships I've ever had from the last person I had sex with YET even in that it was probably only a portion of what was there to give (on both our parts) because this person was spiraling in a tragic cyclone of self destruction with alcoholism. The wake of destruction and loss in the result of these choices and actions kept us from growing to anything more than what we could be at the time and eventually separated us completely. Those familiar with recovery know the term 'rock bottom' and what is it for some, for some there are rock bottoms over and over and over and would there ever be one that is bottom? Enter some extended time of dry spell on the full sexual satisfaction front though there's been flirtations and fun with others no full monty for me. Now we are at recent past to present he and I are communicating a lot though not with a sexual/romance, nor expectations of being anything more than friends to one another and enjoying that together. There's been a remarkable climb back up to normal functioning, repaired self image and success for him from potential loss of everything including freedom and life in a short time however there is not sobriety and without that the slippery slope of sustaining positive living is just that a slope without a safe path.

So after this little meditation on the question. I answer like I titled the post...not sure....I'd like to think we'd be happy b/c we are two great people who have shared deep caring and wonderful good things even amidst horrendously painful circumstances...but without full recovery and sobriety I know I would never be able to commit myself fully and that is what marriage must be....so in a perfect world would like to think we'd be happy and that sobriety would come and ultimately limit that group of challenges from your love and have open even something more profound than we've already experienced, but in the real world that ain't how it goes..***** isn't a fairy tale where we can daydream and be creative its real where we gotta be responsible.
We are all here for a variety of reasons and not all bad.

If anything Lit has helped me be more open minded and sexually explorative.

Thanks to all for sharing your thoughts!

Thank you for your words of understanding and acceptance.