If You Had Three Wishes????

I would wish for:
a house that would clean itself...thats kind of obvious
A hubby that was loving, attentive, romantic and everything i dreamed of
and finally...money!
Wish that anytime I had to pay something I had the exact amount of money in my pocket.
After that I should have a never ending supply of gold diggers willing to do anything for me.
Good health.
Happy marriage.
And an never ending erection!
My lifemate, the one person that will be with me through anything and everything, no matter what, whom I can love, cherish, -WANT- to be a better man for that loves me for all that I am, pros and cons

Telempathy so I'd always know exactly where I stood with people, what they thought and felt. There could be no lying, no misunderstandings that have caused me so many headaches over the years.

The ability to shapeshift into any form I can think of.
1. Get rid of my genetic diabetes to drink all the soda I want

2. Constant pleasant weather (to suit me not in general sense) so that I can go on hikes as I please

3. Time travel to see and relive the history from Mesozaic era.

1 finish my doctorate to be independent as a prof, despite my disablity
2 End my familys finacal burdens
3 Go live in South Africa at peace
1, give enough money to my favourite charities so they are independant
2. Get some people to understand that it is what underneath counts
3. take a holiday
Sunshine. Check.
Health. Check-ish.
All the sex I can handle. Check.

Now I just have to keep it going!
I'd only need one wish. I'd wish to be omnipotent. That way I could make anything happen that I wanted to. My first thing would be to make everyone on the planet bisexual (at the very least) I'd also have everyone looking androgynous so they could decide for themselves if they wanted to live like a girl or a boy. I'd also eliminate all STD's so everyone could enjoy as much sex with whomever they wanted for as long as they wanted. That's just for starters.
My 3

Crazy musical talent,
My dream physique, including heightened sexual skills (guaranteed orgasm for my partner every time!)
To be fluent in a few languages.