If you don't want to read an "I'm feeling like shit thread", don't open this


Sep 13, 2001
If you don't want to read an "I'm feeling like shit thread", don't open this

Yes, I said it. I'm feeling like shit. I've been having familial problems for the past month or so, and as a result I have missed a lot of work as well as the past 3 weeks of grad school classes (they only meet once a week).

Last week, I started to get my life back together and planned on going to class tonight. You see, I have a presentation I have to do with two other members of the class. They have been more than understanding about my familial situation, but I still felt bad about not being able to meet with them to plan the presentation. I told them that I would be there tonight to do my share of it. I am NOT the kind of person that can sit back and let others do the work for me while I take the credit. Usually I'm the one who ends up picking up the slack for lazy group members.

Well, guess what fucking happens? I get sick. I'm not talking about *cough, cough* sick- I think I have the flu or strep throat. I went to work this morning with a fever (stupid me just thought it was early morning shittiness), only to go home at 10 am. I thought that if I just got a few hours of sleep, that I would feel better and be able to make it to class tonight to do the presentation. Well, I tried to nap, but I was shivering so violently under 3 blankets, and my back, neck and arms were aching so much that I couldn't sleep. I took a scalding bath, hoping that it would break my fever, but I didn't break a sweat. I ran out of Aleve yesterday and all I have is Tylenol PM- I guess that's what I'll be taking to help my aches and fever, because I have no desire to go to the store to get more. I wish a store around me had some sort of delivery for things like that.

There's no way I'm going to class tonight. One of the girls in my group is pregnant, and I would not want to expose her to any sort of virus or infection. Add to that that I almost fainted earlier and I keep dry heaving- I don't think I would present very well.

I called the girl who's pregnant, and she was so sweet about it. She had told me earlier in the week that I shouldn't go, and that her and the other girl understood about my situation, but as I said, I hate getting credit for other people's work.

I definitely owe these girls some kind of gift, or lunch or something. Not only am I physically sick, but I fel terrible about being able to make it to the class for the presentation.


I think you are doing the right thing staying home for everyones sake! Have some tea and soup and take care of you!

As for the people in your group, Maybe a thank you note for all their understanding?? Then lunch when you are feeling better:)

Feel better!
Attitude counts for a lot. You'll be fine lovely. Go let your body recover now.
Thanks guys.

Bleah- no tea for me right now. For some reason, every time I feel nauseous and I drink tea, I throw it up. I've tried it plain, with sugar, with milk, with milk and sugar, with honey- nothing keeps it down for me.
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lilminx said:
Thanks guys.

Bleah- no tea for me right now. For some reason, every time I feel nauseous and I drink tea, I throw it up. I've tried it plain, with sugar, with milf, with milk and sugar, with honey- nothing keeps it down for me.

Maybe you tried it with the wrong MILF.


Just teasing. I hope you get back to feeling like yourself soon, hon.
lilminx said:
Thanks guys.

>snip<with milf, with milk and sugar, with honey- nothing keeps it down for me.>snip<

maybe someone to call daddy then?


Hugs sweetie. Sending some positive healthy energy your way!:rose:
RawHumor said:
Maybe you tried it with the wrong MILF.


Just teasing. I hope you get back to feeling like yourself soon, hon.
Damnit- I tried to fix that when i saw it, but you beat me to it. what a weird typo.

Thanks babe.
glamorilla said:
maybe someone to call daddy then?



Well, yeah, i need that too, but you're not here, Glam. Plus I wouldn't want to get anyone else sick.
RawHumor said:
Maybe you tried it with the wrong MILF.


Just teasing. I hope you get back to feeling like yourself soon, hon.

we really are just a bunch of fucking perverts.

i know how you feel minxie~you can't help it and you can't help anyone else if you arent feeling good yourself.

get better!
lilminx said:
Damnit- I tried to fix that when i saw it, but you beat me to it. what a weird typo.

Thanks babe.


I saw that you changed it, but oh well.
RawHumor said:

I saw that you changed it, but oh well.
Lol - that's ok- it shows that I edited it- no biggie.

Thanks, Glam and Summery. I definitely need the positive thoughts with everything that has been going on with me lately.
*big hugs*

I hope you feel better. I'm sure those classmates don't mind covering for you precisely because you want to do your share, you just aren't able to right now. Try not to worry about that tonight, just work on feeling better.

I wish you had somebody there to take care of you. Feel better soon.
Thanks maggie. You're probably right about my classmates. The one I spoke to was so nice about it, and kept telling me not to worry in light of what I've been dealing with.
shitte............i opened this thread by mistake...............;)

garlic, babe. It does the body good. Just stock up on the breath mints.

yes, this is one of those homeopathic remedies I'll pass along but will never try myself. :D
Special Huggles....

Feel better my friend. I hope I don't get sympathy sickness now... Geez.... Hope all is well.


I went to the doctor today. I have strep throat- a bad case of it. No work for me tomorrow, and he said that I probably shouldn't go back until Tuesday. I'm going back on Monday anyway- I've been missing way too much work.
I do hope you feel better soon. I wish I had a quick fix to recomend to you.
I've noticed that a group of you here become noticably less pleasant 3-4 days before the full moon each month...perhaps it's viral ?

Concerned, caring, considerate as ever;

Lancecastor said:
I've noticed that a group of you here become noticably less pleasant 3-4 days before the full moon each month...perhaps it's viral ?

Concerned, caring, considerate as ever;

Perhaps it's as a result of your unpleasant posts gracing the boards. It's always a "group" of "us", isn't it, Lance? First at the BDSM board, now here. "We" always gang up on poor Lancie. You're just mad because I brought up something nasty you've done. And it's amazing how easily you turn many threads into threads about YOU.

By the way, I'm very pleasant to people who are nice to me, and who also don't deliberately try to deceive people.

Thanks for the nice wishes, MzScarlett, PB, and Sunstruck.