If you could get one of your stories made into a film, which one would it be?


Wet Nightmare Writer
Dec 6, 2022
By virtue of its appealing characters, or ambiance, its thrills, comedy or romance, originality, or yes its steamy sex, or whatever reason you think makes it special and suitable.

@oneagainst and I have been discussing noncon maledom plot-lines recently and it came up how both Fifty Shades and 365 Days… leave much to be desired yet they found success as both books and films. I will allow those are noncon maledom romances written by women for women so maybe I am not the best one to judge, but still.

So is there one of your erotica stories that stands out that you would like to see as a film? Don't be modest!

I have one of my own, but I wont add it until a suitable number of other nominations have been forthcoming. I know oneagainst has one, if they want to share.
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It'd be fun if porn started being creative again instead of every video being a step-somebody stuck in a dryer.

I think The Devil And Angel Em would make a great porn. A guy sells his soul to a hot She-demon then had to fuck a not quite innocent Nun to win it back? I mean come on, a plot AND sacrilegious sex???

And my newest, Pornville, could have a lot of fun poking fun at porn tropes while still featuring steamy sex.

If you toned down the sex, The White Room could make an interesting Sci Fi movie. Although it's not an entirely original premise, but then again, what is nowadays?
A friend from college is a successful actor/producer. We have collaborated on a couple of scripts in the past.

He is currently shopping two of my stories around to investors to see if we can get the financial backing to make one or both into films. These both have teasingly erotic scenes, but they are not that steamy, sex-wise.
Technically one of them is- well it was first. Not sure if I'd want anything here turned into a movie. Like a porn or actual movie? I don't think I have anything long enough here to be a movie, even the unfinished stuff isn't going to be that long.
Presumably we all write stories around our sex. Doesn't that therefore make all of them potentially good as films? At the risk of sounding conceited, I could see any of mine as films. The premise, the setting, the build-up and the anticipation are all there - the challenge would be capturing the emotional reactions that are easier to convey with words. I think this interplay is what makes the written word hotter than mere porn.
My fantasy series, for sure. I can already picture it: Me lazing about and rubbing my fat belly, basking in the fame of three incredible seasons of my series, while an army of fans is keeping my house under siege, trying to force me to get off my lazy ass and start writing more. I take a swig of my beer and burp and then snort: "Pfh, I can't be bothered to write; checking out Tilan's new post on AH is far more important!" 😁
For me it would be A Wife's Dark Talent, my most recent. It definitely has provoked the greatest reaction. Features lots of intense... encounters. And landing titular character would definitely be a career maker for some ambitious actress. With lots of roles within the role to boot. That is the pro. She might require a 24/7 security detail after performing said role though. That is the con. Truckloads of murder the bitch comments and all.

Guys and gals, names and links please.
The Third Ring. I've always envisioned the story in animation, sometimes in the style of The Man Who Planted Trees. I have an animator in the family and I tried to get him interested in doing it, but it was too much of a project for his time.

The Third Ring isn't erotic.
One f mine WAS made into a movie. My story "Patent Pending" https://www.literotica.com/s/patent-pending about a scientist who shrinks the wife of his boss down and holds her hostage until the boss ensures that the scientist gets ninety percent of the profits from his marvelous new shrink ray. One day, a few years ago I'm opening my e-mail when I come across a letter from an "agent" to an "amateur porn star" who wants to know if I would be interested in writing a sequel to "Patent Pending." It turns out his "client" had made a porno using Patent Pending as the script! She did not offer me a copy of her work which she sold for 40 bucks a pop online, so I obtained a copy from a "grey" source. Damed if it didn't even steal whole snatches of my original dialogue! He and his "client" wanted a sequel since the first one sold so well. He offered me NO money for this wanted favor, nor did he or the blonde hottie porn star reimburse me for borrowing my story in the first place! I thought about suing but I didn't have funds for a lawyer at that time in my life. Now, I just sort of laugh it off. The audacity of some people! Had they paid me fair compensation ...
I've always thought House of Doors would make an intriguing film - a Twilight Zone feel in noir Buenos Aires. Casting costs would be prohibitive unless local amateur talent was recruited.
It'd be fun if porn started being creative again instead of every video being a step-somebody stuck in a dryer.

I think The Devil And Angel Em would make a great porn. A guy sells his soul to a hot She-demon then had to fuck a not quite innocent Nun to win it back? I mean come on, a plot AND sacrilegious sex???

And my newest, Pornville, could have a lot of fun poking fun at porn tropes while still featuring steamy sex.

If you toned down the sex, The White Room could make an interesting Sci Fi movie. Although it's not an entirely original premise, but then again, what is nowadays?
The White Room? That sounds like an interesting series that someone should steal and turn into an inferior noncon tale... 🤔Wait, what are we talking about? 😳

Lol... Honestly, most of my stories would make for poor films I think. I'm not really a fan of pornos, and most of my stories would definitely veer that way.

Eldritch Pact would probably make an interesting ecchi film, if you toned down the sex (or a hentai, of you kept it as is 🫣)

But if I had to pick one that could be legit cinema, then my Rescuing the Fallen series would make a thrilling erotic horror series, and you could tone down the sex to R rated levels probably. (Hell, people have told me that they skim the sex to get back to the plot).
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I'd go with; The Legend of Bo Keap ~ (Outlaws and their women in the old west.) It's definitely not a porn stroker, but IMO it could be a great movie. (The sexual parts would be heterosexual and primarily in a brothel.)
Summer on the PCT, a story about hiking the entire Pacific Crest Trail and falling in love with another hiker. Think of the beautiful scenery as well as the scene where they first make love by a small, mountain pond with the sun streaming over them.