
Jul 29, 2000
1. French fries were not invented by the French
2. They do not make royalties off of them (OH FUCK. I gotta email epitaph)
3. They don't even eat them there unless they're eating at an American restauraunt (a la Culture-killer McDonalds)
4. Jesus Fucking Christ.
5. They do not care.
6. If you're pissed off at all at France you're an idiot. A GOD DAMNED IDIOT. "But they won't go along with our war! They won't fight the terrism. The United States is always right. I drive an SUV and race home in time to watch 'Everybody Loves Raymond'. I furiously masturbate to the thought of the older brother fucking me and reading 'The Grapes of Wrath' aloud while he does it. If I am a man, then he is topping me and reading 'The Great Gatsby'." BUT NOTHING! AND STOP FUCKING TELLING ME ABOUT THAT SICK SHIT! I DON'T CARE WHAT PROGRAM YOU WATCH AT HOME! Here, let me make an analogy. Let's say that you do not like JazzManJim. You want him to stop posting. You tell him so, numerous times. You ten tell me to tell him to stop and I say "Nah, JMJ can do what he wants". You then stop reading my sig to get back at me. CAN YOU SEE HOW MUCH OF A FUCKING MORON YOU ARE?

Jesus Christ.

Carson Daly sucks. He has like 7 writers on his show and he messes up the poorly written jokes.
French Dressing?

On a side note: "I'm real sorry your mom blew up Ricky".
I can see those little veins in your forehead throbbing from here. You need a massage. Full body, Swedish deep tissue, with lots of peppermint oil.
It's not just French fries. I'm boycotting all potatoes. Fucking Irish.
All those "Jesus Christ’s" you threw in there have convinced me that you are right.

Americans, Jesus fucking Christ.
kotori said:
It's not just French fries. I'm boycotting all potatoes. Fucking Irish.

Ya won't feel that way when the English take the North side of your house.
But nothing cures an ailing spirit quite like the taste of deep fried fat on potatos...why would I want to boycott them??
Spinaroonie said:
Ya won't feel that way when the English take the North side of your house.
If you only knew...

(26+6=1) Tell him, MC.
I'm boycotting French Fries because they have way too much fat in them. And the baked kind SUCK!
Got that? It's not Saddam who's the thug, it's Tony. It's not the Baathist killers from Tikrit who are the bunch of criminals, it's the Republican Party. It's not the million-man murderer of Baghdad who's the new Hitler, it's George W. Bush. It's not the Iraqi one-party state with its government-controlled media that "crushes dissent," it's the White House. It's not the Wahhabis who are the fundamentalists, it's Bush, Blair and the other Christians. It's not Osama bin Laden who's the terrorist, it's American foreign policy. Supporting the continued enslavement of the Iraqi people is "pacifist," but it's "racist" for America to disagree with the UN, even though it's Colin Powell and Condi Rice doing the disagreeing and the fellows they're disagreeing with are a bunch of white guys from Europe.
Ham Murabi said:
Got that? It's not Saddam who's the thug, it's Tony. It's not the Baathist killers from Tikrit who are the bunch of criminals, it's the Republican Party. It's not the million-man murderer of Baghdad who's the new Hitler, it's George W. Bush. It's not the Iraqi one-party state with its government-controlled media that "crushes dissent," it's the White House. It's not the Wahhabis who are the fundamentalists, it's Bush, Blair and the other Christians. It's not Osama bin Laden who's the terrorist, it's American foreign policy. Supporting the continued enslavement of the Iraqi people is "pacifist," but it's "racist" for America to disagree with the UN, even though it's Colin Powell and Condi Rice doing the disagreeing and the fellows they're disagreeing with are a bunch of white guys from Europe.

What I do find interesting about all this peace stuff is that there was nobody protesting Iraq, even though they haven't kept any of their agreements, constantly lie about what they do and do not have, and only back down at all when confronted with military force.

Oh, and all the stuff the Iraqis are supposedly doing to be "cooperative" now were things they had originally agreed to do earlier, then reneged on.
Ham Murabi said:
Got that? It's not Saddam who's the thug, it's Tony. It's not the Baathist killers from Tikrit who are the bunch of criminals, it's the Republican Party. It's not the million-man murderer of Baghdad who's the new Hitler, it's George W. Bush. It's not the Iraqi one-party state with its government-controlled media that "crushes dissent," it's the White House. It's not the Wahhabis who are the fundamentalists, it's Bush, Blair and the other Christians. It's not Osama bin Laden who's the terrorist, it's American foreign policy. Supporting the continued enslavement of the Iraqi people is "pacifist," but it's "racist" for America to disagree with the UN, even though it's Colin Powell and Condi Rice doing the disagreeing and the fellows they're disagreeing with are a bunch of white guys from Europe.


Oh, I guess I would've understood your post... if I read it.

You didn't even mention the fucking french fries. How could you forget Mooby Magazine?

Someday, I hope somebody teaches you to post on-topic.

Till then, yours posts are tl;dr.

I'm making my post longer so I can emphasize that I realllllly didn't read it.

I didn't.


I swear.


You were one of the few good newbies? WTF happened? I should've adopted you. BUT NOW I WON'T.

You know what? Your post earned some furry porn, courtesy my brother. I HOPE YOUR FUCKING HAPPY.




Ham Murabi DID NOT write a post about French Fries or even the French, so I didn't read his post and posted some furry porn. I'm sorry that you had to see that. Honestly.
Spinaroonie said:

Ham Murabi DID NOT write a post about French Fries or even the French, so I didn't read his post and posted some furry porn. I'm sorry that you had to see that. Honestly.
I don't know what in the bloody blue fuck that was, but I don't understand how it could possibly be the least bit arousing for anyone, anywhere, at any time. Your brother is one severely disturbed motherfucker, no offense.

That said, what was the original purpose of this thread? I've heard of goofy restaurant owners changing the name of "french fries" to "freedom fries," but I haven't heard of anyone calling for a boycott of them.

And Ham C&P'd an excerpt of a Mark Steyn column he posted in another thread. You should read it. It was genius.

Furry porn?

What is furry porn? And is that a cat?

Oh and consider this my obligated mentioning of the French and the fries that are in no way affiliated with them.
Mellon Collie said:
Furry porn?

What is furry porn? And is that a cat?

Oh and consider this my obligated mentioning of the French and the fries that are in no way affiliated with them.

Furry porn is drawings of anthropomorphic animals performing sexual acts. At it's most basic, it would be Micky fucking Goofy.

That particular picture is probably meant to be more artsy and less actually erotic.
Mischka said:
I can see those little veins in your forehead throbbing from here. You need a massage. Full body, Swedish deep tissue, with lots of peppermint oil.
How unpatriotic of you! Didn't you know we are boycotting the Swedish too?!? :rolleyes: