If there is a war with Iraq, the US will not win.


Jul 29, 2000
The debate about the war on both sides seems to agree on one thing, that the war would end in a decisive victory for the Good Ol' U.S. of A and Apple Pies and Mom would be safe once again.

But they're wrong.

If you're reading this thread, you've probably seen Powell's CGI image of a truck that could change from an eighteen wheeler into a base. But is Powell telling the complete truth? I think not. Powell wants war. He will do what it takes to get it.

Powell is hiding the true destructive force that these trucks contain. Let me show you


Click here for a much larger picture that demonstrates the device's ultimate destructive power.

The US can not contend with this sort of weapon. This is only one of many. Jeeps, Hellicopters, Tanks, even ambulances and fire trucks hold these weapons of ultimate destruction. Quite simply, the US is on the wrong side here. Once the Defenders of the Universe are pissed off, they won't stop until the forces that try to destroy their allies are demolished.

Now, some morons who claim to be libertarians are going to come in and start to claim stupid things like the patriot missle (Which hasn't been upgraded since the first gulf war) could stop them or we could use missles. They are quite simply wrong and don't know what they're talking about. I have watched countless hours of these machines in battle. The US does not have the means to destroy them. Ishmael or some other fuck will try to point out that at one time Optimus Prime and other such machines were "killed". While that is almost a valid point, you have to conisder two things:

1. The machienes were destroyed by an evil force of similar machines - machines that the US does not possess.
2. Optimus Prime returned to life, only to be more ruthless and fearsome in battle.

The US cannot possibly even hope to kill one of these machines once, let alone how ever many times it's required to keep them down.

Also consider this. Who else came back from the dead?

That's Right

What? Isn't he on the US's side? We're the chosen ones! The most arrogant four percent of the world! JESUS MUST BE WITH US!

Well. You're wrong. Jesus is not on the side of the United States. There is a whole fraternity of people who came back from the dead. Who does the US have exclsively? Ronald Reagan. Who does Iraq have? Most of the Autobot forces. Would Jesus rather hang out with a man who can't form coherent sentances and can't remember what the bible is or a force of unstoppable machines that also gave out safety tips and tried to help humans?

Not even Jesus is on our side. And if we lose Jesus, we've lost God. Allah is on Iraq's side... Bhuddah is neutral.

Nobody is on the US's side. The US can not win this war.

I'd suggest prayer, but, I don't believe that God wants to hear it from us.
The Iraqis are painting red crosses on their stuff.

That'll fool the smart bombs.
Amen, brother.

People aren't going to like hearing this, but the truth ain't pretty. I'm glad someone had the courage to speak up.

Don't shoot the messenger, folks.

Once again, your true ignorance shows.

True, Iraq has some formidable allies. But so does the U.S.

"He Man" is with us. He hangs with the Masters of the Universe, who we Americans clearly are destined to become. He brings many other allies, much nifty smart technology, invunerable fortresses, and most importantly, magic to the U.S. arsenal.

We shall triumph.

You do make a fine point. The force of He-Man is a force to be reckoned with, for no man of normal ability could contend with him. However, look at some of the key words Powell has been using "storage" "mobility" "excess power". We do know that Saddam has many many palaces... Perhaps one is not a palace, but Castle Greyskull. If that's true then Skeletor and his legion of warriors should be quite a challenge for the likes of He-Man and She-Ra.
I call The Thundercats for the side of the USA.

And lest us not forget...We have a Real American Hero on our side...A man who never gives up...who's always there...Fighting for freedom.--over land AND air.


And if Cobra can't beat Joe, I don't suspect some towelheads from the middle east could.
We Really Need ...

Japan on the side of the US.

What power on Earth, could stand upto the devestating might that is the Wave Motion Gun?


Oh my god this is one of the greatest (non sex releated) threads ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RastaPope said:

And if Cobra can't beat Joe, I don't suspect some towelheads from the middle east could.

I think these "towelheads" have better weapons than a missle filled with pink gas that makes everybody think about how much they like Cobra Commander.
Cheetara better be on the US side, just because she was an important part of my formative years. Seeing her in a head-to-toe robe would be heresy.

Spinaroonie said:

You do make a fine point. The force of He-Man is a force to be reckoned with, for no man of normal ability could contend with him. However, look at some of the key words Powell has been using "storage" "mobility" "excess power". We do know that Saddam has many many palaces... Perhaps one is not a palace, but Castle Greyskull. If that's true then Skeletor and his legion of warriors should be quite a challenge for the likes of He-Man and She-Ra.

True, but then Optimus Prime would have to deal with the moral dilemma of being allied with the bad guys.

Besides, we also have the Justice League of America.

Superman would whomp on Optimus.

Spin, you have forgotten America's greatest hero.

Veteran of WW2 and defender of ... well basically everything America stands for...

I dont know guys I would think that AMerica would be trying very hard to bring their Italian Allies into the war. I think they would be a very valuable comodity to this this war for many reasons.

1. When they eat mushrooms they grow.

2. They can throw fireballs.

3. They can any local vegetation and use it as a weapon.

4. Can turn into flying racoons or frogs.

5. They can can also destroy their enemies by nearly stomping on them!

6. And lastly are the only civilization that killed a dinosaur by using an axe at an end of a bridge. (here is a file of the beast)

I think the Italian army is a threat to be reckoned with.
Oh. I almost forgot.

VOLTRON, defender of the universe.

He'd do a blazing sword number on Optimus and sever his tractor from his trailer.
RosevilleCAguy said:
True, but then Optimus Prime would have to deal with the moral dilemma of being allied with the bad guys.

Besides, we also have the Justice League of America.

Superman would whomp on Optimus.

If Optimus Prime has chosen sides with Iraq then it means that they are the good guys and we are the bad guys.

As for the JLA, LexCorp was on the list of companies that knowingly sold weapons materials to Iraq, so he may have his hands full.
duuude...The Silver Surfer..

And don't forget other 'infidel' superheroes;

Green Lantern
Fantastic Four
I think if we're considering these fronts, we simply can't leave out the awesome tactical genius of Bugs Bunny. His unrivaled command of strategery always leaves him one step ahead of his opponents, regardless of their weapons or martial prowess.

The only remaining question is: whose side would he be on?


I think his choice is fairly clear.
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Spinaroonie said:
I think these "towelheads" have better weapons than a missle filled with pink gas that makes everybody think about how much they like Cobra Commander.

How very Valentine-ish.
Susano said:
I think if we're considering these fronts, we simply can't leave out the awesome tactical genius of Bugs Bunny. His unrivaled command of strategery always leaves him one step ahead of his opponents, regardless of their weapons or martial prowess.

The only remaining question is: whose side would he be on?


I think his choice is fairly clear.

It depends on whether it is duck or rabbit season.
Re: duuude...The Silver Surfer..

Lost Cause said:
And don't forget other 'infidel' superheroes;


Given how that part of the world is reacting to the war, I think it's safe to say that Thor will not be participating.
Ah yes, while the more prominent figures let their stance be known the outcome will be decided by the allegiances of small bands of warriors.



(Edited to include link to DVD petition)
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Ahh but dont for get the GoBots.


Who do you think they will side with?