If Saddam decides to take the exile route...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
and the loose band of dysfunctional dissidents take over the running of the country...

Who's going to have the oil?

p_p_man said:
and the loose band of dysfunctional dissidents take over the running of the country...

Who's going to have the oil?


Who ever buys it. Doh.

The Iraqi people....

And the Iraqi Parlament. I doubt there will be any oil to buy from them as Sodamn Insane will probably blow them up first. Remember the eco-terrorism he did? Okay, that's different because we're the bad guys...yup! :D
p_p_man said:
and the loose band of dysfunctional dissidents take over the running of the country...

Who's going to have the oil?
Whoever we hand power to after destroying the loose band of dysfunctional dissidents.

I've said this before but why dont the Iraqi people just transfer Saddam to a new country for his crimes against his own people like the Catholic Church does with the Creepy Priests that molest young boys when the just transfer them to a new parrish.

The fix is already in. Saddam is going to work as a greeter in the "Salon" (upscale) casino portion of the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas. The more worldly of Lit members will know the Luxor is in the shape of a giant pyramid, while most tourists don't know if Saddam is from Iran, Iraq, Jordan, or Bumfuck, Eqypt.
By the way, among those who work the jobs, greeters refer to their work as "Howdy Duty."
HeavyStick said:
Where would Saddam flee to?

From today's Times...

"ONE OF Saddam Hussein’s most trusted and notorious lieutenants began a mission to the Arab world yesterday to shore up support for the regime in Baghdad and possibly arrange the leadership’s escape into exile.

General Ali Hassan al- Majid, Saddam’s cousin and his most ruthless deputy, delivered a letter from the Iraqi President to President Bashar Assad of Syria at the start of a four-day visit. He is also expected to go to Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan to plead Baghdad’s case."

HeavyStick said:
Where would Saddam flee to?

He could flee to Dearborn Michigan...which has the largest arabic population outside the middle east, and open a party store and call it " Georges"
Maybe this will help:

Debate over control of Iraq oil

Debate over control of Iraq oil

Sunday, December 22, 2002

By Warren Vieth, Los Angeles Times

WASHINGTON -- Sentiment is growing in the Bush administration and global energy circles to place Iraqi professionals in charge of their country's oil production after any war, despite a push by some officials for the United States to seize control of the lucrative oil fields.

With many critics convinced that oil is the ultimate objective of U.S. war planning, pressure is growing to give the United Nations an oversight role over the Iraqi oilmen. Many experts believe that it should be up to the Iraqis to decide how to rebuild their battered industry -- and which foreign oil companies will get to take part.

That view was emphatically endorsed by a panel of experts in a report issued recently by the Council on Foreign Relations and Rice University's Baker Institute, and it is believed to represent the thinking of many U.S. officials.

"A lot of us have confidence in people who were professionals in the Iraqi oil industry and left the country, and in people who are still there," said Baker Institute energy analyst Amy Myers Jaffe, who contributed to the report.

But that conclusion is not unanimous. According to sources familiar with the discussions, some Bush administration officials have proposed that the United States assume control of Iraq's war-ravaged petroleum industry to make sure the oil continues to flow and the money it brings in -- some $30 million a day -- isn't misspent.

The deliberations over oil reflect a fundamental fault line within the Bush administration, officials say.

One one side is a hawkish group of civilians at the Pentagon led by Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz, sources say. That group has suggested that the United States assert control of Iraqi oil fields during any transition to democracy. Besides providing physical protection and financial oversight, U.S. supervision would give the United States a bigger role in determining global oil production and prices, reducing the clout of Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nations.

The other group, associated with Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and the Pentagon's military leadership, has countered that the United Nations should oversee Iraqi oil production until a new government is firmly in place. Putting Washington in charge would alienate the Iraqi people, this group contends, and could trigger a political backlash throughout the Arab world and in other foreign capitals.

Although Iraq sits atop an underground ocean of crude -- its reserves are second only to Saudi Arabia's -- experts say there won't be nearly enough oil revenue to cover even the expenses of reviving the industry, at least not initially.

If Iraq manages to emerge from war with no additional damage to its oil infrastructure, an uncertain proposition at best, its annual oil revenues probably wouldn't exceed $12 billion a year, according to the CFR-Baker report.
p_p_man said:
From today's Times...

"ONE OF Saddam Hussein’s most trusted and notorious lieutenants began a mission to the Arab world yesterday to shore up support for the regime in Baghdad and possibly arrange the leadership’s escape into exile.

General Ali Hassan al- Majid, Saddam’s cousin and his most ruthless deputy, delivered a letter from the Iraqi President to President Bashar Assad of Syria at the start of a four-day visit. He is also expected to go to Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan to plead Baghdad’s case."


Now that IS funny. No one in the Arab world want's him or trusts him. He may find a home in Libya though.

Killswitch said:
I've said this before but why dont the Iraqi people just transfer Saddam to a new country for his crimes against his own people like the Catholic Church does with the Creepy Priests that molest young boys when the just transfer them to a new parrish.


Transfer? He's a dictator with doubles traveling all over the country. He never sleeps in the same place twice in a row. Radicals have tried to kill him.
HeavyStick said:
Where would Saddam flee to?

Or maybe while in Vegas he could get a plumbing assistant job with Ham and set out to repair all the leaky faucets of the women of lit like Lav and Sox...;)
HeavyStick said:
Transfer? He's a dictator with doubles traveling all over the country. He never sleeps in the same place twice in a row. Radicals have tried to kill him.

Dont tell him about Lit then...he would no doubt sign up, then create a bunch of different nicks just to confuse us even more.....:eek:
Killswitch said:
Or maybe while in Vegas he could get a plumbing assistant job with Ham and set out to repair all the leaky faucets of the women of lit like Lav and Sox...;)

Good idea.

"Saddam, hand me the pliers. No, goddammit, the fucking pliers, not the hammer! (Whack). You fucking imbecile, the fucking pliers! (Whack).
And don't (whack) call me (whack) fucking (whack) "Sahib" (whack)!
Essential vacuity

Ah, the essential vacuity of the minions of Mammon never fails to amuse . . .
Ishmael said:
Now that IS funny. No one in the Arab world want's him or trusts him. He may find a home in Libya though.


The Arab countries are wary of this plan as well. They don't think that saddam will take up any offer but the Saudis are in talks with Turkey, Syria and Egypt. Also the Arab nations don't want to give anyone the idea that they are in favour of a 'regime change' in a fellow Arab's country...

From today's Guardian...

"The Saudi government is canvassing a plan to give Saddam Hussein a last-ditch chance to go into exile if the United Nations security council passes a new resolution authorising war against Iraq, western and Arab diplomats have confirmed.

Under the plan, Saudi Arabia would ask for a meeting of the Arab League to nominate a delegation to go to Baghdad and urge the Iraqi leader to avert war by leaving the country."

"Iraq's deputy prime minister, Tariq Aziz, has also delivered messages from President Saddam to Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco over the past week."

p_p_man said:
Thanks Lasher, the article is interesting.

My question was in fact a serious one...



My answer was in fact a serious one.

The Russian contracts will be honored by any new regime. World upset over oil has driven the spot market to $34 a bbl today. It may go as high as $100 a bbl as the invasion is emminent. Russia as a net exporter gets a huge infusion of cash. Why do you think that Putin is saying one thing and doning another?

The US, as a net importer will pay market price for the oil, just as we did before.

After the change in regime, prices should stabilize in the $20 per bbl range. About 20% lower than the last years market.

Russia wins, the oil importing nations win. But the EU will still be fucking their people with the outrageous taxes you're paying on petroleum products. No wonder you're sour grapes pp.
