IF Romney is elected, the women of USA better stock up on these


Nov 3, 2012
or actually start educating your youth YOURSELVES about sex and contraceptives, and buy your own. and learn that mixing black cohosh and blue cohosh will abort.
i don't get it.why do people think a president is that powerful? they get in office and can wave a magic wand and abortion is then illegal? clean safe abortions have been around since HOW LONG? through 8 years of reagan, 12 years of the damn bushes. and it's never been repealed.
american people have been used to it being around and it's not going away.
this is why i am an anarchist. i don't believe anyone has the right to tell anyone how to live or what to believe. and damn well don't need a government. "your right to swing a frying pan ends where my nose begins." and if you do it, and hit me? i'll shoot your ass dead.
i don't get it.why do people think a president is that powerful? they get in office and can wave a magic wand and abortion is then illegal? clean safe abortions have been around since HOW LONG? through 8 years of reagan, 12 years of the damn bushes. and it's never been repealed.
american people have been used to it being around and it's not going away.
this is why i am an anarchist. i don't believe anyone has the right to tell anyone how to live or what to believe. and damn well don't need a government. "your right to swing a frying pan ends where my nose begins." and if you do it, and hit me? i'll shoot your ass dead.

When you come out in favor of a mother's right to drown her three year old, we'll take you, and everyone else who is pro-abortion, seriously. Until then you're all hypocrites.
You need a wire hanger for an abortion, not that coat-check type.