If ol' GW suddenly decided that he'd flubbed


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
And that the whole invasion thing was, well, just not a good thing to continue with, what would be the best method to discontinue the war?

The StudMuffin and I were discussing this last night. There is, according to the concensus of two, only one way out of this war. Winning it.

A lot of us here scream for peace, if such a thing were granted, how should we pull out? What are the consequences of such a move?
go one TV, and say we're pulling out, then hearing him etll us all he was resigning as President of the U.S. Of course this would probably happen on April 1st.
lobito said:
go one TV, and say we're pulling out, then hearing him etll us all he was resigning as President of the U.S. Of course this would probably happen on April 1st.

What would the repercussions of that be? Domestically, obvious. Internationally?
Probably bigger prostests than there already have been. About the war anyway. Probably lots of parties about him resigning. Many people do in fact think (domestically & internationally, from my experiences) that he kind of has played a major role in fucking up the U.S. in the last 2 years.

Economy is pretty much shot, or was. A War that not many people wanted, and their Government DID NOT (as usual) listen to them), etc.
What sort of impacts do you think would come from the international community over a sudden pull-out? In specific, the middle east and with Saddam Hussein?
Saddam wins again.

Frogs around with the UN.

Any good relations we have in the middle east would be shot based on broken promises.

GWB resigns or loses the next election.

And terrorism against the US would increase, IMHO. After all, their great show of power fizzles, so what would make anyone think twice about coming after us.

There is no way for GWB to pull out now and that is what I wish the peace protesters would understand.

It can't happen.
now you're tlaking majopr politics,a nd I'm not much of a political person, to be honest. If I say anything, I'm liable to get read the riot act, for talking about something I don't know that much about. BTW, NO, I'm not following the war very closely. I've maybe seen a few hours total, and that's pushing it, since it started.

If you still want my very uneducated "views & OPINIONS", then I'll TRY to write something about it. After I think a few moments about what I think they'd say or do.

edited to add that I don't think there's any way that W gets re-elected, even if (WE) "win" the war.
First thing, the Irakian Kurds are going to be rewarded.
Thousands of death,refugees in Turkey,Iran and Syria.

Irakian Chiite in the south same thing with refugees in Iran.
First of all, pulling out of the war at this stage is not an option without third party intervention. If the US backed down at this stage, there would always be a significant question as to why we went in in the first place. Bush has always tried to maintain that the reason for going in was because Saddam needed to be removed. The WMD was a secondary platform that got over hyped by the media and took over in the minds of the public as to why we were going in.

Additionally, there would still be questions as to if there was ever WMD. My opinion is that Saddam has them. His whole history says that it would be a temptation beyond his ability to resist. But he won't use them until he has to, i.e. we find hard evidence of them, or he is in danger of dying. If he can hold out until the UN steps in and stops things (third party intervention) without us finding anything, he is protected in doing whatever he wants for a very long time. And he is "Apparently" justified and vindicated. It would be coupe for him. Same thing if we pull out of our own free will.

And we would significantly compromize our bargining position for any future similar situations. If we are seen to back down at this stage and say "Ops! Sorry." The tide of public opinion is going to be that we got scared off. Then when North Korea or Iran or some other country, or even Al-Queda or other terrorist organization tries brinksmanship again, the opinion will be that if you push the US far enough, they will crumble. As with any negotiation ( and that is what this started out as and will be until it's conclusion), your ability to resolve it rests strongly on how much people believe that you will follow through with your side of the bargin. If we stop, then we lose credibility. It is a shame that world politics can be boiled down to a game of poker.
W has almost no chance of getting re-elected anyways. Unpopular war, economy in the tank...

Pulling out would be the equivalent of the end of Vietnam...we didn't win and it was just a big mess. Iraq is kind of similar. And I'm sure at some point we'll admit it was a mistake, just as we did with vietnam.

KM does have a point...there would be huge international and domestic repercussions though. We've set ourselves up as the bullies on the playground, and there is no way to back down once you've done that. The only way out is to kill Saddam and institute the inevitable puppet government
I know this isn't an original thought, but, it's "our" own form of terrorism, by starting a war like this.
to paraphrase from the 60s...

"GW, pull out, like your daddy should have."

I am in such a slogan mind-frame tonight *G*
There is no turning around now. Dub better get his ass in Bagdad fast. I saw an Iraqi on CNN say he hated Saddam but would fight the Americans because of his religion. Just as I figured, it is already the Christians against the Muslims. The troops better watch their backs. There is fanatics heading toward Iraq from several countries. We may be the ones surrounded. At 1:00 PM today Saudi Arabia and Turkey said no more overflights of their countries. Syria which was FOR the removal of Saddam has changed it's mind and is sending supplies and is sending buses filled with fighters south to Bagdad. Iran thinks it is next and is sending it's fanatics.

cluster fuck
KillerMuffin said:
And that the whole invasion thing was, well, just not a good thing to continue with, what would be the best method to discontinue the war?

The StudMuffin and I were discussing this last night. There is, according to the concensus of two, only one way out of this war. Winning it.

A lot of us here scream for peace, if such a thing were granted, how should we pull out? What are the consequences of such a move?

If losing works for Saddam, surely it could work for us?

Once taken down a peg or two, wouldn't the French, Chinese, and Russians love us?

KillerMuffin said:
There is, according to the concensus of two, only one way out of this war. Winning it.

There is no other option.

Though, it is an oxymoron 'fighting for peace'. Still, no other option now that it has begun.
deliciously_naughty said:
W has almost no chance of getting re-elected anyways. Unpopular war, economy in the tank...

Actualy if the war is a complete success and even the economy is fixed even the littles bit, but showing improvement. He will most likely be re-elected. Polls for the war in the US are near 75% approval.
Purrde Flower said:
Actualy if the war is a complete success and even the economy is fixed even the littles bit, but showing improvement. He will most likely be re-elected. Polls for the war in the US are near 75% approval.

75% of the people polled, not 75% of the total population.
Purrde Flower said:
Polls for the war in the US are near 75% approval.

So who's taking these polls? Where are they taking them? Who are they asking opinions of?

Nobody's asked me. Nobody's asked anyone I know.
But the dichotomy is that the polls mattered during Clinton's impeachment, AND HE WAS IMPEACHED!
]ooooo(chained) said:
So, if YOU are not asked, the poll is stastistically invalid...


no dildo breath, if WE are not asked, then that means that they aren't talking about US being part of the approval percentage that they are talking about. Try thinking for a moment before posting stupidity.
lobito said:
no dildo breath, if WE are not asked, then that means that they aren't talking about US being part of the approval percentage that they are talking about. Try thinking for a moment before posting stupidity.

Dude you got it all wrong everything is clintons fault and that is the only argument anyone ever needs to use. :rolleyes: :mad:
lobito said:
no dildo breath, if WE are not asked, then that means that they aren't talking about US being part of the approval percentage that they are talking about. Try thinking for a moment before posting stupidity.

ty, couldn't have said it better myself.