If not for my arch-nemesis Having to Pee...


May 24, 2009
Sleeping in could easily be my superpower. Dogs Want a Bone also keeps me from my warm covers. So I'm up now.

How are you? :)

Hey ~ an article about the 50plus crowd's sex life. Its pretty funny and inaccurate from the start. "The number one reason its great? Women don't need birth control." Ummm... I'm almost fifty and have not gone through the meno. I still prevent getting knocked up cause my doc says it could happen.

Actually, it is one of the nice things, but not just in my 50's. Birth control should be a big deal at any age. It was a real factor in my bachelor days, but I was surprised how many 30-something women had their tubes tied.
PICCIA !!! Where the hell have you been hiding? (you were missed) Hope you are well :rose:
Oh I'm in n' out. Trying to stay off the keyboard since my rear-ender; the car kind. :rolleyes: The kid's insurance co. did a great job. My auto repair place and chiropractor are amazed. Nice to see you all. :rose: