If I were gay......


Sep 9, 2002
i would have sex with David Bowie.

How's that for a first post?

Oh, and hello everyone.
oh GAWD! david bowie is SOOOO hot! ever seen labryinth? OMG! i would sit on his lap and hop up and down like i loved him!
Hello yourself.

I'd do it with Larry King myself.

Welcome to the board...
He lloks better now then when he did labyrinth. but i think id screw him based solely on his music, im in love with it at the moment.
OgreX said:
He lloks better now then when he did labyrinth. but i think id screw him based solely on his music, im in love with it at the moment.

I like you so much.
20 sounds good Bob, but you have to pay the shipping...

And if any of you David Bowie fans own a Sega DreamCast. There is a game called Omikron:The Nomad Soul that has David Bowie in it, its great, lol.