If I owe you a PM, an email, or if I'm ignoring you on Yahoo...


Gun Totin'
Oct 14, 2001
I apologise. I will catch up with you when I trust myself to actually be myself.

I'm avoiding everyone at the moment. Posting only fluff and basically just lurking. Sorry.
Yeah! you're ignoring me and I'm mad. Oh wait....you're not on my buddy list, are you? :D

Take some time and just relax for a while.
You know where I am when and if you want to talk, bro :)
(Remember you are always there when anyone needs you,
the same goes for a lot of us being here for you.)
Thank you both... but I'm not dealing with this well at all...

Time for talking is long gone and I just want to be away from it all. The next few weeks are going to be pretty hideous and I'm not sure what is going to happen. Thanks for the support, but this is something only I can deal with.
cymbidia said:
Hey S -- :heart:

(Um, i'm trying to get caught up, too.)

Hiya sweet lady... I owe you a huge email, but just can't deal with anything right now... please accept my apologies and my thanks...

les chants les plus désespérés sont les chants les plus beaux
et j'en connais d'imortels qui sont de purs sanglots

Time will probably do but ...
Hon, I know we haven't chatted lately, but I'll be thinking about you. I hope you get htrough whatever it is that you need to get through, and if you need to vent, I'm here. :rose:
Can you go somewhere for awhile?
Even if it is to go bush with a mate?

I can understand feeling like you need
to get away for awhile, mate.

Take care.
You are a great guy.
debbiexxx said:
Can you go somewhere for awhile?
Even if it is to go bush with a mate?

I can understand feeling like you need
to get away for awhile, mate.

Take care.
You are a great guy.

I'm too scared to go bush. I finally know what fear tastes like. I'm scared of losing her Debbie. I'm terrified to the point of continually shaking.
kiwiwolf said:
Hiya sweet lady... I owe you a huge email, but just can't deal with anything right now... please accept my apologies and my thanks...
I understand.
No pressure.
No expectations.
Sometimes we have to draw in tightly; i know all about that, S.

Just breathe.
kiwiwolf said:
I apologise. I will catch up with you when I trust myself to actually be myself.

I'm avoiding everyone at the moment. Posting only fluff and basically just lurking. Sorry.

Thought I was the only one.
I'm barely chatting today. My PM box is full and I'm too weak and tired to clear it. :(
Re: Re: If I owe you a PM, an email, or if I'm ignoring you on Yahoo...

Mona said:
Thought I was the only one.
I'm barely chatting today. My PM box is full and I'm too weak and tired to clear it. :(

Bro, you have given your daughter so much love.
She will never forget, never.

I wish I had my Dad in my life and that I could hug you and tell
you what it means to have your Dad in your life especially when he as good a Dad as you are.

Daddy's Little Angel
by debbiexxx ©

Daddy's little angel; with halo firmly in place
Truly you are a source of continuing delight
Often there is mess, noise and a grubby face
That wears a smile full of sunshine and light

Each day you bring me more happiness
Stroking my bearded face, ever so gently
Your cheerful ways and sweet smile bless
Waking me every morning with happy glee

Your small, sticky hand clutching at mine
Innocent eyes peering at me, enquiringly
Your world is happy and mostly sunshine
With you things mean much more to me

You laugh at my jokes or when I am a clown
Joy you bring to me, in so many ways
You make my frowns turns upside down
Even on the longest of sad, tired days

When you fall down and scrape your knee
You turn to me to kiss the booboo away
"All better now, Daddy" you say to me
Before you skip happily back to play

When I look at your little face I know
Small, simple things make you happy
A flower, a cute kitty, a pretty rainbow
Through a child's eyes see simple beauty

Each night, I read a little, kiss you g'night
Sweet dreams, sleepy head, on soft pillow
Snuggle you down and tuck you in tight
Sleeping face bathed in the Moon's soft glow

Unconditional love I have and give to you
No matter what you do or where you go
I will be here, to love and guide you through
Daddy's little angel, I do love you so

(I have to go out for awhile.
Chin up, dude. :heart: )
debbiexxx said:
Bro, you have given your daughter so much love.
She will never forget, never.

I wish I had my Dad in my life and that I could hug you and tell
you what it means to have your Dad in your life especially when he as good a Dad as you are.

Daddy's Little Angel
by debbiexxx ©

Daddy's little angel; with halo firmly in place
Truly you are a source of continuing delight
Often there is mess, noise and a grubby face
That wears a smile full of sunshine and light

Each day you bring me more happiness
Stroking my bearded face, ever so gently
Your cheerful ways and sweet smile bless
Waking me every morning with happy glee

Your small, sticky hand clutching at mine
Innocent eyes peering at me, enquiringly
Your world is happy and mostly sunshine
With you things mean much more to me

You laugh at my jokes or when I am a clown
Joy you bring to me, in so many ways
You make my frowns turns upside down
Even on the longest of sad, tired days

When you fall down and scrape your knee
You turn to me to kiss the booboo away
"All better now, Daddy" you say to me
Before you skip happily back to play

When I look at your little face I know
Small, simple things make you happy
A flower, a cute kitty, a pretty rainbow
Through a child's eyes see simple beauty

Each night, I read a little, kiss you g'night
Sweet dreams, sleepy head, on soft pillow
Snuggle you down and tuck you in tight
Sleeping face bathed in the Moon's soft glow

Unconditional love I have and give to you
No matter what you do or where you go
I will be here, to love and guide you through
Daddy's little angel, I do love you so

(I have to go out for awhile.
Chin up, dude. :heart: )

Oh God Debbie... now I'm crying. I remember when you wrote that for her. I remember reading it to her and her excitement and happiness when she found out that it was written especially for her.

Thank you sis.