If I don't know where I'm coming from, where would I go?

The Squid King

Spineless Tyrant
Jan 6, 2002
I went back to my hometown last night. It is only 60 miles north.

I went because a friend of mine was in a car accident.

He was out drinking with two more of my friends, when he vomited in one of their cars because he drank so much. Instead of giving him a shower, some ratty clothes, and a place to sleep it off. They instead, drove him to his car and suggested that he go home, take a shower, and catch up with them later. He never made it. He went off the road at about 50 mph. Hit a sign, a mailbox, and a telephone pole before his car came to rest on a tree. His rear driver's side door was pushed all the way in to the passenger's side when it hit the telephone pole, this caused his door to fly open and he was ejected from the vehicle.

He nearly died from blood loss, but he is O.K. He has some lacerations on his head and he tore his spleen, but it looks like the only permanent damage will be the scars on his head.

This all leads me back to my original question.

If I don't know where I'm coming from, where would I go?

I've always trusted my friends to look out for me, as well as each other. We've always let each other drive when we've been drinking, but there was always a cut-off point. My friend very obviously past the cut-off point when he was throwing up, but the let him go anyway, it was their idea. He nearly died, one inch to the right or left and I would be standing over another friends gravestone. Life is too short as it is.
Sorry to hear about your friend Squid King, it's a miracle he's still alive.

This cut-off point sounds a little miffy. I would never trust my own judgement to decide when someone else has had too much to drink. I can't imagine being drunk and trying to make this decision...

Maybe your friends accident is an oppurtunity to restructure your own thoughts on drinking and driving. Maybe you'll decide that the keys should be taken away before the first round comes to the table, and everyone should bring their cab fare with them?

I think you're friends made a very poor decision here, but it's probably not because they don't care. It sounds like they just weren't in a place where they could handle the decision to stop a drunk guy from speeding off in a huge metallic battering ram.
Me and my friends have a rule. If you drank anything or smoked anything you don't drive. The group I hang out with has a nice even mixture of those who drink and smoke and those who don't. There is always someone else who can drive you home and somewhere else you can stay for the night. It's the one thing everyone is pretty strict on, seen to many die in stupidity to lose any more.
With his spleen damage he might be the permenant designated driver by default, but it is still hard to comprehend how they have always managed to take care of me when I've had to much to drink, yet they failed in this case. It is scary. It could have easily been me. Have I taken the road with to much to drink in my system? I trusted the consensus, now I'm not so sure.

Thanks for listening, my fellow Litizens. I really needed that.