If I could be an animal tomorrow.....


Jose Jones
Nov 22, 2000
I think I should like to be a panda bear. Just for the day.
Grizzly bear.

up north strolling around a stream getting some fresh salmon
HeavyStick said:
Grizzly bear.

up north strolling around a stream getting some fresh salmon

Now that sounds like fun. I imagine the Kodiacs up in Alaska are tanking up right now.
bluemuse said:
I'd want to be a bird....

Why a panda, riff?

Well, why not? They are pretty cool, people delight in them, and, well, wouldn't you like to be a panda for a day? :)
riff said:

Well, why not? They are pretty cool, people delight in them, and, well, wouldn't you like to be a panda for a day? :)

I see your point. They are cute.........

I'm more the koala type though.......they hug.
MaximusPhalicus said:
I'd be a drake.... I hear they mate for life...

Well in this case a whole day...

You should talk to Perky, the resident ruffleslut.

Ducks do have nice asses when you think about it. So why do people say "Go fuck a duck" when they are pissed at you?
I'd like to trade places with my dog!

She lays around all day - sometimes running out to the fence to bark at the ducks, but mainly just laying there doing nothing all day!
A pig. If only for a day, a pig.

I've always wondered what a climax that lasted for 20 min.s would feel like. :p :p :p

I remember when I was in college some of my friends had a pet pig. Not a potbelly pig, but a regular farm pig. They treated him just like a dog and he was a most lovable and affectionate thing.

And he was CLEAN. He would hop up in your lap and just loved to be petted and stroked.

Of course at the time he was a little piglet.

I don't know what happened to him though. You know how college life is- people disappear and move or freak-out and all of that.

Chances are some one ate the little bastard. But he was very sweet. Even your average farm pig is pretty smart.
Ishmael said:
A pig. If only for a day, a pig.

I've always wondered what a climax that lasted for 20 min.s would feel like. :p :p :p

oooooh that would be nice
riff said:


U carnivore, you. :)

Careful hun...I hear that panthers have been spotted in your area...one can't be too careful when a panther is on the prowl.
It would be far too trite to say a sheep...I think I sorta have that one covered in some respects.

I wouldn't mind being a stray kitten, especially one of Laurel's. I'm sure I'd be taken well care for.
riff said:
I remember when I was in college some of my friends had a pet pig. Not a potbelly pig, but a regular farm pig. They treated him just like a dog and he was a most lovable and affectionate thing.

And he was CLEAN. He would hop up in your lap and just loved to be petted and stroked.

Of course at the time he was a little piglet.

I don't know what happened to him though....

I found him, for you.
