If Every Lit Member Sent Me 1000 Dollars...

You'll be lucky if

we all just sent you a dollar. It would be sweet. So you can either send me $5.00 each person or you can go for the most expensive and send nite 1,000. Your decision.

I'm not expecting 100% participation.

I don't expect all 157,243 members will send me 1000 dollars.

But I don't think 47, 322 is an unrealistic goal.....
Well let's see

The Nitelight said:
I'm not expecting 100% participation.

I don't expect all 157,243 members will send me 1000 dollars.

But I don't think 47, 322 is an unrealistic goal.....

if I get $5.00 at 90% that might be more than your 47% with a 1,000 a piece. I could be wrong but I can live with it.

The Nitelight said:
Man, wouldn't THAT be sweet.

Who wants to start the ball rolling?


rather bizzar, i was thinking something simular earlier, only, more along the lines of a dollar per person... i could pay off all my debts!!! whooohooo! ~*dreamy sigh*~
What would you do with all that Monopoly money?
Let me know if it works.

Then I will have an answer for the Luscious Lioness thread.
A Nitelight thread sighting? Wow, when is that last time you started one?