Idiotic sleeptalking

Georgia Girl

Steel Magnolia
Nov 15, 2001
Does anyone talk in their sleep other than me?

I found out this morning I talked on the phone with a friend last night ............ I was sound asleep, don't remember a word.

I feel like an idiot.
yeah I've been known to do. Thankfully I talk in my native language when I sleep talk. So no one understands it over here in the states :D
Apparently I was passing out restaurant tips..........while sleeping.

Xan......I speak southern all the time. Good seeing you
Yep, sure do. Just happened recently too. I had spent the evening on the phone with my SO and she had to hang up to run an errand. She told me she would call back but didn't know when. I went to watching TV and fell asleep. Apparently when she called back I answered and was really quite rude to her. (OK I was a complete asshole) but I have absolutly no recollection of it at all. It used to happen a lot more to me when I was I knew immediately why she was pissed at me the next day.
I've been told that I will set up, look right at you and talk to you...I don't believe it, no refuse to believe it!
The time I have available to talk to people is usually at odd hours......middle of the night so I normally warn people that I will do this, this time I forgot.

Woke up to the phone and a blanket on the couch, looked at caller ID and promptly went "oh no, what did I say"

Apparently I was quite sweet and docile, he should have known I was asleep. LOL
marksgirl said:
I've been told that I will set up, look right at you and talk to you...I don't believe it, no refuse to believe it!

I'd believe it cause I know I'll do it. Look you dead in the eye, walk around the house, carry on logical conversations, answer any question you ask me and have no memory of it.

Sounds like a prescription for trouble.
My ex does. He use to have some very interesting conversation in the middle of the night. He never mentioned that I did but if I did he probably didn't hear it over his own or his snoring!
Georgia Girl said:
I'd believe it cause I know I'll do it. Look you dead in the eye, walk around the house, carry on logical conversations, answer any question you ask me and have no memory of it.

Sounds like a prescription for trouble.

It does, GG!!!!! How long you think youv'e been doing this??
Georgia Girl said:
Apparently I was passing out restaurant tips..........while sleeping.

Xan......I speak southern all the time. Good seeing you

Thank you GG.

Southern I can understand. LOL

I've had complete conversations on the phone before while I was sleeping.

Many times I have woken up to see a strange expression on my sons face and having him tell me all the crazy stuff I've said.

When that happens I'm talkin in hillbilly and only my "own kind" have a clue what the heck I'm saying. ;-)
Before me and my hubby realized that there's a 6 hour time difference between our countries, he used to call me in the middle of the night - which was early in the evening for him.
I love talking to him, he's intelligent and funny, but at 2 am, I wouldn't even be able to have a conversation with Brad Pitt! Once, I fell asleep while I was talking, only for half a minute, though, but this was enough to make me drift into a dream, and I woke up to hear myself talk about Günther The Lab Rat..?

What the fuck was I dreaming??????????????:confused: :confused: :confused:
I break out in creepy laughter in my sleep 3-4 times a week during creeps my wife out.

I dont talk in my sleep though.
huskie said:
It does, GG!!!!! How long you think youv'e been doing this??

Most all of my life.

I woke up in my kitchen once trying to use a brick for a glass.....was pouring water into it.
Add me to the list of sleep-talkers. Normally, I have enough sense to not have the phone next to the bed, but one night I slept with the cordless phone. That night, at least according to the caller ID, about 5 of my friends had called and I had (semi) intelligent converstations with each of them, swearing I was awake. I had to call them the next day and make sure I hadn't made any plans I didn't remember.
Another time, I woke my then bf up in the middle of the night, very insistant that he got up and help me look for my "clippies", which had fallen out the car window. In the middle of all this, I got up and went to the bathroom. He asked if I was awake and I told him I was right as I walked smack into the bathroom wall. I'm not sure what clippies are. I'm thinking hair, but it may be something sexual as well.
And another time, I was in a dead in relationship, trying to get the courage to leave. I'd also just got back in contact with a boyfriend from when I was in highschool. I was talking about Missouri, where I'm from. My bf made some comment about "We're not in Kansas anymore." I got real upset with him. He's like, "Ok, Mrs BFs last name". I told him, "I'm not Mrs BFs last name, I'm Mrs Bf from High School" I claimed to not know what he was talking about, but I did end the relationship a few months later.
So far, I've been in this relationship for almost a year and have yet to talk in my sleep.
I talk in my sleep quite frequently i'm told.

I once answered the phone and set up a job interview in my sleep. I woke up that evening to get ready to go to work and vaguely recalled the call. I think the trigger that helped me remember was that the interview was on my birthday.
I've talked in my sleep once or twice that people have told me about. Embarrassing as shit.

Maybe this will give the other Litsters a general idea "BEWARE: these people talk in their sleep" so they'll be sure we are awake before talking to us.

Sounds like a plan even if it is a crappy one.
Tinkersquash said:
I have tons of sleep-talking stories. I'm very talkative after I've fallen asleep. I also have a strange habit of holding my breath and then letting it out in squeaks so that I sound like either a little kitten mewing or a dolphin singing.

My favourite story was when I kicked a guy out of my bed explaining, "There's not enough room in here for the three of us". ;)


OMG, Tinks!!!!

*jumps in your lap and wiggles*

I've had entire semi-intelligent conversations on the phone while asleep. I also talk in my dreams, and it comes out while I'm sleeping. *That* has been embarrassing more than once.
I'm not just a sleep talker… I mumble, giggle, give advice, and type with my hands like I’m on the computer.
I talk in my sleep and carry on conversation. I tell way too many things when I am sleeping.