Iceland, handball, penises


Literotica Guru
Mar 26, 2009
And it's art!


LONDON—Many exciting things happened to the Icelandic men’s handball team when it won the silver medal at the Beijing Olympics four years ago. Some 40,000 people crowded the streets of Reykjavik to greet the players when they returned home. Eighty-five percent of the population of 320,000 watched the handball final on television, and a water-usage study by a local utility company revealed that in the final moments, virtually nobody in the entire country went to the bathroom.

The players became instant celebrities. “Everyone knows who we are,” said Gudmundur Gudmundsson, the coach, after his team beat Argentina in the preliminary round of this year’s Olympics competition. Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, the president of Iceland, said, “Handball, for us, has become not just a sport but the core of the national spirit.”

The team even made it into a local museum. That would be the Icelandic Phallological Museum, which was moved several years ago to immortalize the victorious handball players in an unusually raunchy sculpture called The Icelandic National Handball Team. The sculpture consists, basically, of a bunch of silver penises pointing at the ceiling in a kind of wild-mushrooms-waving-in-a-field effect.
it's hard to tell scale from that picture, but one wonders if she might be farsighted.
This whole thing reminds me of the time that I took an air head bitch home. She spotted an East African phallic symbol decoration and asked me, "What's that?" I told her and she said, "Well, I'd hate to tell you what it looks like."
Y'all are too young to remember this, but some forty-five years ago there was a lady named Cynthia Plastercaster, who was part of Andy Warhol's Electric Circus, whose claim to fame was that she made plaster casts of the objects hereinabove described, primarily from rock stars of that era. I have been told, although I cannot verify this from my personal knowledge, that Richie Havens led the league.
Y'all are too young to remember this, but some forty-five years ago there was a lady named Cynthia Plastercaster, who was part of Andy Warhol's Electric Circus, whose claim to fame was that she made plaster casts of the objects hereinabove described, primarily from rock stars of that era. I have been told, although I cannot verify this from my personal knowledge, that Richie Havens led the league.

I don't remember her, but I have heard about her on various rock retrospective things. Interesting hobby.