I would love to read a story about a guy with special powers


Sep 23, 2022
I love superhero stories, especially origin stories. Maybe someone could (or already has) write a story about a guy who suddenly acquires special sexual powers, other than mind control. Maybe the ability to give a partner an orgasm at his will or grow his penis to the perfect size for the specific partner or maybe be able to back in time and redo a particular episode or maybe all of them. Or who knows what other powers would be useful powers there could be. Ideas? Links?
Not to toot my own horn, but my series, Hinn (warning, long but unfinished & in hiatus) fits some of your criteria. Most of the other stores I'm aware of here are typically more along the lines of the mind-control, but some succubi/incubi tales can get interesting morphing and other sex powers besides just overriding lust. An interesting alternative may be NeoShade's "Mimic" series among others.

Hope you find some that you enjoy!