I will love my story even if...


A swollen WIP folder
Jun 4, 2023
This thread is for the ugly ducklings on our story lists. The ones that don't perform as well as we expected, or that could have done with an extra round of proofreading, or that for whatever other reason we look at and feel ever so slightly disappointed. So, here goes.

I will love my story even if...

...it only gets 1k views.

...it's at the very bottom of the "new stories" list when it gets published and disappears the next day.

...I find mistakes in it after publishing.

...the readers make mocking comments - and they're right.

...I remember that I forgot to add that one paragraph that would have tied two elements together perfectly.

...it should really have a different title.

Anyone else?
I have title and description anxiety. The size limit on each is vexing, and sometimes there will be a forehead-slap a year or two later for “something better”. I don’t go back and change those because, sadly, a new title does not magically put it on the visible promotion lists.
I have title and description anxiety. The size limit on each is vexing, and sometimes there will be a forehead-slap a year or two later for “something better”. I don’t go back and change those because, sadly, a new title does not magically put it on the visible promotion lists.
Defiantly description anxiety. Every one of them seems an injustice.
I have a story that is definitely my lowest rated here and on Smashwords (no ratings, just number of downloads). I figure it must have to do mostly with the title or the blurb, since lack of downloads on Smashwords can't be chalked up to reading the story and not liking it. Although that's not so true here. I have no desire to change the title or the blurb, however, since I'm just looking for like minded people. Not looking to appeal to more people. The blurb is below. Do you think it's the title, or do you think it's the blurb?

Literotica description: To save his wife a man submits to pain & sexual humiliation.

Smashwords blurb: He had expected to endure with stoicism whatever acts would be inflicted on him over the night. But the puzzle was that first his body and then his whole self embraced the degradation and pain. Surrender was everything.

Here's the link: An Enigma
To me it's the thing when finish, you read through it twice. You give it that 24 hours to stew on the hard drive (or cloud) then read it once more and publish.

Then three days later once published you open it up and instantly you read the two typos and sentence error in the first paragraph.

The second paragraph is perfect.... but you know just quite how many people have stopped reading before then!
To me it's the thing when finish, you read through it twice. You give it that 24 hours to stew on the hard drive (or cloud) then read it once more and publish.

Then three days later once published you open it up and instantly you read the two typos and sentence error in the first paragraph.

The second paragraph is perfect.... but you know just quite how many people have stopped reading before then!
This, a thousand times this!
I love everything that I write before I even write it. If I don't love it in the brainstorm stage, it doesn't get written.
I have a story that is definitely my lowest rated here and on Smashwords (no ratings, just number of downloads). I figure it must have to do mostly with the title or the blurb, since lack of downloads on Smashwords can't be chalked up to reading the story and not liking it. Although that's not so true here. I have no desire to change the title or the blurb, however, since I'm just looking for like minded people. Not looking to appeal to more people. The blurb is below. Do you think it's the title, or do you think it's the blurb?

Literotica description: To save his wife a man submits to pain & sexual humiliation.

Smashwords blurb: He had expected to endure with stoicism whatever acts would be inflicted on him over the night. But the puzzle was that first his body and then his whole self embraced the degradation and pain. Surrender was everything.

Here's the link: An Enigma
I wonder if it’s both. The title and the description indicate psychological complexity, and a lot of people aren’t interested in that. Only a smaller number really are when for most, erotica is primarily escapist.
I know what you mean. My newest story is at 387 views, a day and a half after publication. That's poor even by SF/F standards. :(

On the plus side, a large proportion of readers seem to like it.
I'd definitely focus more on the 'likers' than the total view numbers.

My latest has gone live today... not sure how it's doing... early days.

It's my first foray into the Fetish category. (Try saying that with a mouthful of fish fingers 🤭)
I wonder if it’s both. The title and the description indicate psychological complexity, and a lot of people aren’t interested in that. Only a smaller number really are when for most, erotica is primarily escapist.
Great phrase, "psychological complexity." Accurate about the story and probably about the ratings. Thanks!
It seems to have for more readers than most of my stories manage in SF/F.

My SF/F ones have also had quite moderate success compared to my other category stories. There’s a lot of long continuous series and my sci-fi stories tend to be short or even shorter.
The view count is so low. If they don’t even open it they can’t read it, right?

Why are you so focused on my post?

I am curious why you would be angry with the readers and why you think that anyone who doesn't click on your story is an idiot. Do you not think that that might come across as perhaps just a little bit vain?
I am curious why you would be angry with the readers and why you think that anyone who doesn't click on your story is an idiot. Do you not think that that might come across as perhaps just a little bit vain?
I thought it was a very reasonable expression of frustration. Particularly in this thread, where we cherish our stories and any shortcomings must belong to the unwashed and uneducated masses, i.e. the idiot readers.

PS Like @Omenainen's first post above (presumably), this isn't to be taken very literally.
I am curious why you would be angry with the readers and why you think that anyone who doesn't click on your story is an idiot. Do you not think that that might come across as perhaps just a little bit vain?

I reserve the right to be as angry and vain as happens to suit me on any particular day. I’m no stranger to petty emotions. It’s nice of you to worry about my public image, but also I don’t really care what you think.

I have an inkling you’re trying to initiate the same conversation you regularly have here on the forums, but I’m not interested in having it with you.