I was mildly inconvenienced in the grocery story & Obama didn't do anything about it!


Loves amps
Jan 29, 2012
I was mildly inconvenienced in the grocery story & Obama didn't do anything about it!

This is how bad it's become. I was second in line at the grocery story. I was buying my usual two items (garlic and Altoids). I chose the 12 Items or Less line, which is a grammatical usage issue of its own that Obama has failed to fix in his four years in office. The person in front of me was almost done ringing her stuff up, when she realized she had grabbed the wrong kind of yogurt, she got YoSoy when she really wanted YoGreek.

Instead of getting to check out right away, I had to wait while the dweeby teenager ran to the yogurt case and generously got her a new selection of Goat Snot, which is what it all tastes like to me. As a result, my time in that line was a bit longer than it should have been.

Obama is the leader of the free world. He has many resources at his disposal. If he wanted to, he could have made that line go faster for me. It would have taken a single phone call. Did he make that call? No.

No, he didn't. He is a lazy, elitist piece of shit who cannot be bothered with the real problems of the country's best Americans. When will you sheeple wake up and realize that you elected a non-grammar-fixing, non-line-hurrying-up fraud who will not be happy until other things go slightly inconveniently for me too??
Jenna Marbles channels her "inner-Vetteman" and shows the world how easy it is to blame literally everything wrong in your life on President Obama HERE.
As I've said before, the pusillanimous jackbooted malcontent we have in office will be the eradication and dissolution of all of us in America. Thanks to the scurrilous benighted jackwagons who voted for him, we now have a virtual cornucopia of socialist despondency and you're liberty and freedom are all but phantoms of antiquity. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
I'm against goat snot, the country is going down the tubes. She probably had 14 items because Obama makes her feel like she's special and the rules don't apply to her. Who the fuck wants that nasty Greek yogurt, it sucks. Socialists with no taste buds, that's who!!!
I love Greek yogurt, but I do not associate my love for strawberry flavored goat snot with Obama. Unlike this woman, I read the items before I place them in my cart. Maybe she can ask Obama for education assistance before her next shopping trip. :)
I went to my usual bathroom at work today and there were two drops of pee on the toilet seat that the previous "squatter" didn't bother to wipe off (a socialist bitch, no doubt, who's too special to drop her butt down on the seat like a normal girl). This is a chronic problem that's been going on for years.

Fuck Obama. What good is he?
The true sign of whether or not she is league with Obama is if she paid with her EBT card.
That tattoo looks like it was paid for with an EBT card.
This is how bad it's become. I was second in line at the grocery story. I was buying my usual two items (garlic and Altoids). I chose the 12 Items or Less line, which is a grammatical usage issue of its own that Obama has failed to fix in his four years in office. The person in front of me was almost done ringing her stuff up, when she realized she had grabbed the wrong kind of yogurt, she got YoSoy when she really wanted YoGreek.

Instead of getting to check out right away, I had to wait while the dweeby teenager ran to the yogurt case and generously got her a new selection of Goat Snot, which is what it all tastes like to me. As a result, my time in that line was a bit longer than it should have been.

Obama is the leader of the free world. He has many resources at his disposal. If he wanted to, he could have made that line go faster for me. It would have taken a single phone call. Did he make that call? No.

No, he didn't. He is a lazy, elitist piece of shit who cannot be bothered with the real problems of the country's best Americans. When will you sheeple wake up and realize that you elected a non-grammar-fixing, non-line-hurrying-up fraud who will not be happy until other things go slightly inconveniently for me too??

And you didn't bring down the heat upon her heathen head?! WTF, man? I am so, so disappointed. I truly expected more assholery from you than that.


As I've said before, the pusillanimous jackbooted malcontent we have in office will be the eradication and dissolution of all of us in America. Thanks to the scurrilous benighted jackwagons who voted for him, we now have a virtual cornucopia of socialist despondency and you're liberty and freedom are all but phantoms of antiquity. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Oh my. I do love a man with a big ...vocabulary. ;) :D

I went to my usual bathroom at work today and there were two drops of pee on the toilet seat that the previous "squatter" didn't bother to wipe off (a socialist bitch, no doubt, who's too special to drop her butt down on the seat like a normal girl). This is a chronic problem that's been going on for years.

Fuck Obama. What good is he?

I share my bathroom with an office full of dudes. I wish two drops of pee were the least of my problems.

Still, I feel your pain. :(
This is how bad it's become. I was second in line at the grocery story. I was buying my usual two items (garlic and Altoids). I chose the 12 Items or Less line, which is a grammatical usage issue of its own that Obama has failed to fix in his four years in office. The person in front of me was almost done ringing her stuff up, when she realized she had grabbed the wrong kind of yogurt, she got YoSoy when she really wanted YoGreek.

Instead of getting to check out right away, I had to wait while the dweeby teenager ran to the yogurt case and generously got her a new selection of Goat Snot, which is what it all tastes like to me. As a result, my time in that line was a bit longer than it should have been.

Obama is the leader of the free world. He has many resources at his disposal. If he wanted to, he could have made that line go faster for me. It would have taken a single phone call. Did he make that call? No.

No, he didn't. He is a lazy, elitist piece of shit who cannot be bothered with the real problems of the country's best Americans. When will you sheeple wake up and realize that you elected a non-grammar-fixing, non-line-hurrying-up fraud who will not be happy until other things go slightly inconveniently for me too??

So, do you believe us now?
I went to my usual bathroom at work today and there were two drops of pee on the toilet seat that the previous "squatter" didn't bother to wipe off (a socialist bitch, no doubt, who's too special to drop her butt down on the seat like a normal girl). This is a chronic problem that's been going on for years.

Fuck Obama. What good is he?

I share my bathroom with an office full of dudes. I wish two drops of pee were the least of my problems.

Still, I feel your pain. :(
I just wish I had a bathroom in my building. I have to go outside to go to the bathroom.
I just wish I had a bathroom in my building. I have to go outside to go to the bathroom.

I hope you at least get a bush. Or a tree. Something!

I share mine with 23 kindergartners. I think I'd rather go outside.

Oooh, yeah. Good point. Though I think I'd rather take the kindergartners over the dudes. I think after age 12 or so, they rescind into infant-like behavior. :eek:
I just wish I had a bathroom in my building. I have to go outside to go to the bathroom.


You're welcome.
You poor baby! I'm so sorry this happened to you. I will pray for Jesus to enter your heart and end your suffering, for that is the only way you will find salvation.

It makes no sense and has nothing to do with your value as a human whatsoever, but hey, I don't make the rules. The Bible told me so. :rose:
I share mine with 23 kindergartners. I think I'd rather go outside.
Oh, close call. I've used the kindergarten bathroom, but it wasn't a pleasant experience.

I hope you at least get a bush. Or a tree. Something!
Oooh, yeah. Good point. Though I think I'd rather take the kindergartners over the dudes. I think after age 12 or so, they rescind into infant-like behavior. :eek:
There is a bathroom in the other building. I just have to scuttle through the sleet and rain and snow to get to it.


You're welcome.
You're such a problem solver. One of the many things you're admired for.
I share my bathroom with an office full of dudes. I wish two drops of pee were the least of my problems.

Still, I feel your pain. :(


I have a 21 year old son at home. Thank god he has his own bathroom, but I put on a hazmat suit on cleaning days.