I was born ...

Dietrich K.

Literotica Guru
Sep 28, 2002
... in the house my father built - Richard Nixon

... a poor black boy. - Steve Martin

... in a house with the television always on. - Talking Heads
Drie hoog achter op de bloemgracht - Harry Slinger

(three high, behind, at the Bloemgracht)
..under a bad sign,
I been down since I begin to crawl
If it wasn't for bad luck,
I wouldn't have no luck at all.

-- Albert King
"....with 6 toes on each foot" The guy that stole my cherry, my school lunch and third base.
Damn! How lame am I? I was merly born in a hospital.

*shakes head in shame that I wasn't born in a Pinto*
deliciously_naughty said:
in concord mass, screaming a warning that the british were coming

Interestingly enough, so was I. Ralph Waldo Emerson Hospital, to be precise.

Well, I didn't scream about the British. I don't think.
on the other side, before the town ripped in two. and no matter how hard i try, i end up black and blue.

-Hedwig & the Angry Inch