i want to die

Is this our cue to beg you not to, or just an attempt at garnering a pity fuck?
Nora said:
Is this our cue to beg you not to, or just an attempt at garnering a pity fuck?

He's got 1,000 posts in doing this...we ought to have foam trucks like airports have for him and blessedbe....

But hey, if you're spreading for pity fucks...

.....I'm sure Frimost could use one.

pointless said:
everyday, it consumes my thoughts.

Hon.. if you're serious you need to talk with someone who can help you over this rough patch. Most people ol aren't equipped to..
If your thoughts are consumed by this everyday?
You know you need help. Go to your GP or call lifeline.

There isn't much we can do for you here, apart from listen and give some advice. I have read a few of your threads and they are quite sad.

I hope you get the help you need.
Life is worth living.
POINTLESS !!! go ahead and DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

but my advice to you is that.. before you kill yourself...

* make sure things are talking care of

* write a letter to everyone you knew...

* clean up all the mess in you house

* make sure all you familt member/ss are all infrom

* your mom and dad.. you wife.. you children..

* call a lawer and state your *WILL* so no one will fight over you wealth.

*give away all you belonging to someone who needs them..

*And most important is you must READ *THE SURANGAMA SUTRA*

And totally understant what it says.. ( ENGLISH Translattion) and

and then find a peaceful HOLLY Ground And DIE peacefully.

OR use your useless EMPTY headless body to do GOOD for others.

And I said this to any one if they wants to die for nothing..

GEEs.. do you need attentions ?? fell out of love. ??

HA,, this empty BODY of yours ,,it;s NOT even belongs to you..

Have you think of who gave you your lives ??? :rolleyes:

oo ,, well .. I Am a very hash person .. when I see people like you.

I sigh* ssigh* sigh* inside... nad i shake my head...

Gees Look at the WAR !!! huh !! why don't you go help ??
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Gusty Wind said:
POINTLESS !!! go ahead and DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

but my advice to you is that.. before you kill yourself...

* make sure things are talking care of

* write a letter to everyone you knew...

* clean up all the mess in you house

* make sure all you familt member/ss are all infrom

* your mom and dad.. you wife.. you children..

* call a lawer and state your *WILL* so no one will fight over you wealth.

*give away all you belonging to someone who needs them..

*And most important is you must READ *THE SURANGAMA SUTRA*
And totally understant what it says.. ( ENGLISH Translattion) and

and then find a peaceful HOLLY Ground And DIE .

OR unless you unless EMPTY headless body to do GOOD for others.

This is a trick...it would take me another 40 years to do all that!!!
Make sure you're wearing clean underwear too.

* But do get some professional help if this is serious.
Gusty, you could give him a job in your Laundry Mat........

Just a thought.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Pointless does this every 90 days or so....one post, then disappears.
Best advice is to seek professional help. No one here can give you the help you need unless you thrive on pity.

From this point on you are on my ignore list. I have enough of my own damn problems. I certainly don't need this. At least when I feel sorry for myself I do it in a rage so that I know there is still feeling left. I hate pity. Its a weakness.
Purrde Flower said:
Best advice is to seek professional help. No one here can give you the help you need unless you thrive on pity.

From this point on you are on my ignore list. I have enough of my own damn problems. I certainly don't need this. At least when I feel sorry for myself I do it in a rage so that I know there is still feeling left. I hate pity. Its a weakness.

Delaying my bed time for a {{{{{hug}}}}}} :rose: :kiss:
guilty pleasure said:
Delaying my bed time for a {{{{{hug}}}}}} :rose: :kiss:

Oh baby! Missed you! *hug*

had to edit ignore list to see if I was going blind or if you really couldnt see threads people made when they were on ignore.