I want an evil woman.

I'm sorry, but I'm married. I'm evil, yet ethical.

Maybe you'd like to try the Diet Pepsi of Evil?
Saint Valentine said:
Totally black hat and fruit of the devil type. Eeeeeeeeeeeviiiillllll.......

:devil: <<< More evil than that.

You have to find the one that looks the most straight-laced... we are always the naughtiest girls... he he he
Cleo32 said:
Oh, St. V, I'm disappointed. If I have to tell you how...


OK. That was evil. You have potenital. Evil is hard work. I need to get my evil sleep. We will have to explore this evilness again I think.

Re: Re: I want an evil woman.

daiseelady said:
You have to find the one that looks the most straight-laced... we are always the naughtiest girls... he he he

You are evil. Waiting till my bedtime to show up. Tell me how evil you are so I can read it tomorrow.

Re: Re: Re: I want an evil woman.

Saint Valentine said:
You are evil. Waiting till my bedtime to show up. Tell me how evil you are so I can read it tomorrow.


Those things can only be whispered in a sultry voice... would blush if I typed it here!!! LMAO

(did I mention that I am also a bit of a tease? that is where the biggest part of being evil comes in to play!)
Re: Re: Re: Re: I want an evil woman.

daiseelady said:
Those things can only be whispered in a sultry voice... would blush if I typed it here!!! LMAO

(did I mention that I am also a bit of a tease? that is where the biggest part of being evil comes in to play!)

Well...since I am going to be up for a while anyway, whisper it to me.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I want an evil woman.

Saint Valentine said:
Well...since I am going to be up for a while anyway, whisper it to me.


pssstttt...... lean in closer.....

kissing your neck, sweetly... down your chest... and then biting your nipple... giggling as I nibble and watch you squirm...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I want an evil woman.

daiseelady said:
pssstttt...... lean in closer.....

kissing your neck, sweetly... down your chest... and then biting your nipple... giggling as I nibble and watch you squirm...

That is evil. I like it. A lot.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I want an evil woman.

Saint Valentine said:
That is evil. I like it. A lot.


Well...I would have kept going, but you had said it was near your bedtime and I would hate to get...oops... I mean...keep you up...LOL

Or is that what you were going for? he he he
Daisee, that's not evil.

Evil is leaving a quarter millimeter of milk in the milk carton before putting it back in the fridge.

Evil is eating the last Hostess ding-dong, but leaving the box with the lid closed just so you get all excited then get left in the dust when all you find are chocolatey crumbs and wadded up wrapper.

Evil is NOT telling you that your fly's open and your Simpson's boxers are hanging out.

Evil is having the in-laws come to stay for a week with absolutely no forewarning at all.

Evil is dragging a man through the granny-panty section of Sears on the saturday before Christmas and holding up the world's ugliest bra while you call out *really* loudly, "HONEY?? WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS ONE??" then waving it around to make sure that simply everyone looks.

That is evil.
Saint V - excuse my for a small hijack, but that guy in your AV was in a group....I'm wracking my brains. It was a one word name, I think. not Kinks....WTF was it?
Nora said:
Daisee, that's not evil.

Evil is leaving a quarter millimeter of milk in the milk carton before putting it back in the fridge.

Evil is eating the last Hostess ding-dong, but leaving the box with the lid closed just so you get all excited then get left in the dust when all you find are chocolatey crumbs and wadded up wrapper.

Evil is NOT telling you that your fly's open and your Simpson's boxers are hanging out.

Evil is having the in-laws come to stay for a week with absolutely no forewarning at all.

Evil is dragging a man through the granny-panty section of Sears on the saturday before Christmas and holding up the world's ugliest bra while you call out *really* loudly, "HONEY?? WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS ONE??" then waving it around to make sure that simply everyone looks.

That is evil.


Why do I see you as being evil personafied? :D
Nora said:
Daisee, that's not evil.

Evil is leaving a quarter millimeter of milk in the milk carton before putting it back in the fridge.

Evil is eating the last Hostess ding-dong, but leaving the box with the lid closed just so you get all excited then get left in the dust when all you find are chocolatey crumbs and wadded up wrapper.

Evil is NOT telling you that your fly's open and your Simpson's boxers are hanging out.

Evil is having the in-laws come to stay for a week with absolutely no forewarning at all.

Evil is dragging a man through the granny-panty section of Sears on the saturday before Christmas and holding up the world's ugliest bra while you call out *really* loudly, "HONEY?? WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS ONE??" then waving it around to make sure that simply everyone looks.

That is evil.


I bow to you... Nora.. Queen of Evil Women... Will you be my mentor? <ggl>

See St V... I am gonna be a great evil woman for you!!! he he he
guilty pleasure said:
Saint V - excuse my for a small hijack, but that guy in your AV was in a group....I'm wracking my brains. It was a one word name, I think. not Kinks....WTF was it?

it's Robert Smith from the Cure.
k¡tty said:

Why do I see you as being evil personafied? :D

Um...cuz i am?

Daisee, I'll be holding open enrollment for Nora's School of Evildoers™ starting March 1. It's an 8 hour intensive training course with no potty, smoke or lunch break and the cost is a mere $89.97. Plus tax.

Nitelite, if she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will.
Nora said:
Um...cuz i am?

Daisee, I'll be holding open enrollment for Nora's School of Evildoers™ starting March 1. It's an 8 hour intensive training course with no potty, smoke or lunch break and the cost is a mere $89.97. Plus tax.
