I wanna start smoking

Apr 7, 2018
Hey everyone

I'm a non-smoker who as had a HUGE smoke fetish for years and I've alwats wanted to start smoking but I can't bring myself to even lite my first one, the think is I love being forced and being told what to do regardless if it's bad for health or not, I've alwats followed what people told me to do.... so maybe you have something darker for me to do?
Nicotine is a slowly invasive addiction, at least for me it always has been. Once it has you you will find it robbing you of your vitality. And it is an absolute MOTHERFUCKER to quit.
True story- I quit when I was 32, didn’t touch a cigarette or chew tobacco for 25 years… until two years ago at 57. Started off slow, smoking with friends at parties with beer, and then it dropped right back into a daily ritual of oh so enjoyable horror.
Tried unsuccessfully to give it up for some months and only finally succeeded last January because I ended up in the ER with a 103 fever and strep throat. The ensuing two weeks of trying to swallow with ground glass in my throat was long enough to get the nicotine out of my system and get my fucking life back.
Sorry to sound all dramatic and shit, but