I wanna fuck you like an animal...

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
I wanna feel you from the inside...

I wanna fuck you like an animal....

My whole exsistance is flawed...

See, this would have been the PERFECT thread if it had been titled,

Breakwall, I want to fuck you like an animal...

AND it would have been the first time in the history of the English language that those precise words had ever been said.
Gilly Bean said:
I wanna feel you from the inside...

I wanna fuck you like an animal....

My whole exsistance is flawed...

That song fuckin rocks...and I sooo know the feeling...I'm in the same place...

Fuck me, guys... abuse me, turn me inside out, and rock my world.
I have one hot guy, and one... well, Lekov... (who by normal standards isn't hot, but by mine is) sitting in here.

A vibe ain't cutting it tonight, guys.
2 guys, 1 horny woman ... omg ... let the games begin ... why r u posting on here ??? g'ahead... get nekkid!!
Xander, you remember Landon?

He's the one sitting over on my other computer, PMing with me here...

God, I am sooo horny.

Alas, he is married, regardless of how much we both want to play. That means, we have to include the spouse. And I want too! She's just not here tonight. :(
Gilly Bean said:
Xander, you remember Landon?

He's the one sitting over on my other computer, PMing with me here...

God, I am sooo horny.

Alas, he is married, regardless of how much we both want to play. That means, we have to include the spouse. And I want too! She's just not here tonight. :(

Yeah I remember Landon Gilly. Where's Lekov in all of this. Isnt it his job to rock your world?? LOL
Not that that isn't a good song, because it is, it's actually a lot more depraved that I'm sure you think it is. It's more about wanting to fuck his pain and torment away...

But anyhow, I won't ruin it for you.;)