I Tried To Warn You Lit'ers But You Didn't Want To Listen...


Lits. Only GENIOUS...
Feb 21, 2001
The IOTD, BadPeople, or DTA Kliq is responsible...You were informed last week that these people don't play nice...

Well, we're sure getting our asses handed to us now.

They're some tough mofo's, yep.

Well RastaPope, it appears to me that this board is under seige right now and the Lit'ers haven't seen anything yet...

Hey Kidrock1..

Lysol wanted you to get this message:

Originally posted at *******.com to Fucktard.

Lysol said:
Cut the shit asswipe, or are you looking to get your ISP jerked. By the way, you can tell your friend KidRock that a few nasty motherfuckers are looking for his ass...name dropping is bad for the health.
I don't know anyone named "Lysol"...Why would someone post to me at a board i've never been too...

KID ROCK1 said:
The IOTD, BadPeople, or DTA Kliq is responsible...You were informed last week that these people don't play nice...


And who are these people?
KID ROCK1 said:
I don't know anyone named "Lysol"...Why would someone post to me at a board i've never been too...


lmao.. well he knows you. And he knows ALOT about you. You should see the stuff he is posting over there about you.
debbiexxx said:
And who are these people?

And who cares?

Thanks for the dire warnings KR. I can feel Literotica teetering on the brink of destruction. Oh, wow, this is scary. Really sets the mood for Halloween.
Harbinger said:
And who cares?

Thanks for the dire warnings KR. I can feel Literotica teetering on the brink of destruction. Oh, wow, this is scary. Really sets the mood for Halloween.

I don't. I was just quoting him for the fun of it.
I am looking forward to Halloween and seeing OUTSIDERS
Halloween av. :)
Do tell Freakygurl...I'm interested in what sorta press i'm getting at a board i've never been too...

debbiexxx said:
I don't. I was just quoting him for the fun of it.
I am looking forward to Halloween and seeing OUTSIDERS
Halloween av. :)

Is it time for Halloween AVs? I don't want to be the last one.
Re: Re: I Tried To Warn You Lit'ers But You Didn't Want To Listen...

debbiexxx said:
And who are these people?

Sad individuals in dire need of a hobby.
KID ROCK1 said:
The IOTD, BadPeople, or DTA Kliq is responsible...You were informed last week that these people don't play nice...


What about Pony Boy, did he get stuck in rumble or wha?
Are you desperate for validation that you take credit for stuff that has nothing to do with you?
They wear leather jackets while stuffing their faces with twinkies and typing dirty words into their computer screens...
KID ROCK1 said:
Do tell Freakygurl...I'm interested in what sorta press i'm getting at a board i've never been too...


Kid Rock, they seem to think you've been there...
Was he actualy married to Peggy Bundy or did they just happen to share the same last name...

PS, I've never been there and thats the story i'm sticking too...
Hansy poo and KR1

This one's from me, just for....


There's a place where everyone can be happy.
It's the most beautiful place in the whole fucking world.
It's made of candy canes and planes and bright red choo-choo trains,
And the meanest little boys and the most innocent little girls,
And you know I wish that I could go there.
It's a road that I have not found.
And I wish you the best of luck, dear.
Drop a card or letter to my side of town.
Because there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend,
But baby I'm amazed at the hate that you can send and
You... painted my entire world. (not really, don't delude yourself)
But I... don't have the turpentine to clean what you have soiled.
And I won't forget it.

There's a place where everyone can be right,
Even though you remain determined to be opposed.
Admittance requires no qualifications:
It's where everyone has been and where everybody goes.
So please try not to be impatient,
For we all hate standing in line.
And when the farm is good and bought, you'll be there without a thought,
And eternity, my friend, is a long fucking time.
Because there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend,
But baby I'm amazed at the hate that you can send and
You (sorta, but not really)... painted my entire world.
But I... don't have the turpentine to clean what you have soiled.

And I won't forget it.

Your mutual ho,