I think we're about to see a violation of service

I welcome it. Not that getting rid of certain posters would change things much. Still, it would be nice to get rid of that shit stench.
Did you know that one can track a person posting a message here through the ID-number, or whatever it's called, of the computer that the troll is using. Laurel can just block that number from having access to this server.

From what I've been told, one can also track down the person in question through that number and report IT to the police. Harassment... lethal threats...

How many years of being buttfucked by Bubba and Cletus in a small cell will that give ya?
You can also use routers and gateways along with posting from different computers under multiple ISP's to fool an IP ban. If someone is determined enough they can get around it.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
ya fucking amteuir cunts

dont know wh9o the fuck i am

i'm abhove the fucking law cunt.

i;m worth millions cunts fcking spejnt mkjillions training me cunt

fducjing laurekl i under my military boot

Spelling buddy is very mad at you.
Mildly annoying at best. I just switched to my pc and it's larger monitor.

Child's play.
Report the IP address to the ISP... they take over from there, but that is not for us to decide.
Azwed said:
You can also use routers and gateways along with posting from different computers under multiple ISP's to fool an IP ban. If someone is determined enough they can get around it.
I really don't know much about how this all works, but I assumed a person could post from multiple accounts or computers. As an example, if someone used only those free AOL accounts, and rotated through them regularly, does that mean they really couldn't be banned? Would banning individual IP help reduce the available avenues at all?
Mischka said:
Would banning individual IP help reduce the available avenues at all?

As far as I am aware, each ISP is allocated a range of IP adresses and sub IP's.

Yes the actual ISP could be banned, but then that stops the honest posters on the same ISP.

*shrug* basically its extreme but probably justified.
You can ban an IP block by putting in the last octet as a wildcard. For example, and AOHell IP block might look like 172.352.18.* (made up IP, btw...for you freaks out there). The problem with it is that, like someone else said, you block a helluva lot of AOHell users doing that.

This guy's probably using an IP Randomizer, which would explain why Laurel hasn't IP banned him yet. Likely she hasn't name-banned him yet, cuz this way at least 80% of his tripe is kept under one name..makes it simpler to know which threads to skip.

*shrug* Either way he's just a pathetic little boy with no life.
Nora said:
You can ban an IP block by putting in the last octet as a wildcard. For example, and AOHell IP block might look like 172.352.18.* (made up IP, btw...for you freaks out there). The problem with it is that, like someone else said, you block a helluva lot of AOHell users doing that.

This guy's probably using an IP Randomizer, which would explain why Laurel hasn't IP banned him yet. Likely she hasn't name-banned him yet, cuz this way at least 80% of his tripe is kept under one name..makes it simpler to know which threads to skip.

*shrug* Either way he's just a pathetic little boy with no life.

If you banned a nmae, he would only register under a different name, that won't work.
bknight2602 said:
If you banned a nmae, he would only register under a different name, that won't work.

um. Read for content, hon. That's what I said.

Likely she hasn't name-banned him yet, cuz this way at least 80% of his tripe is kept under one name..makes it simpler to know which threads to skip.
Is it possible to adjust the ignore feature, so that when you place someone on it, their posts don't show up at all, even their threads disappear?
bknight2602 said:
If you banned a nmae, he would only register under a different name, that won't work.
Then you either ban his new name (time-consuming but effective), or you make his ISP get rid of him.

I've dealt with this on USENET a few times. They may keep coming back, but their disturbances only last until their new ISP gives them the boot.

Far better than letting him have free reign of the board 24/7.
