I think this means we are definitely going to war.

That Twitter user is a dip shit.

That being said, right wing Twitter has been consistently talking about world war 3 since Biden took office. They also seem certain that Taiwan will invade.

And of course, Becky talks along about nukes
War with WHOM???

The American public want our boots to nbd no where! But!! Gif forbid you cut the largest defense budget in the face of the planet

Fear is $$
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That's why we need to elect Trump. No wars. Biden will get us into one. We'll need Trump to get us out.
The US Army and US Marines are running ads featuring white males again all of a sudden.

I think this means we are definitely going to war.

From TWITTER poster, https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv
Ahahaha...good one, but the truth is Biden Obama is forcing the Commandant to integrate females in big numbers into their male ranks starting in boot camp. So the Biden Obama plan for the coming war is their defeat.
All Trump would need to do is explain how Gaza is backed by Iran and they are backed by Putin and how Putin is such a strong and brave leader.

Then Putin would guarantee Trump's Moscow bank accounts once more, bung him a billion dollars and tell Iran to cut back with Gaza. Then Israel can carry on annexing Palestinian-owned land everyone's happy (except for the Palestinians but Republicans don't care about them).

The second obstacle to all this is for Trump to be re-elected.

The first obstacle is staying out of prison (or enough voters not caring about having an inmate as president).