I think Saddam is dead already.....



....and that rambling post-bombing speech broadcast by Bagdad yesterday was pre-recorded before then fact.
guilty pleasure said:
....and that rambling post-bombing speech broadcast by Bagdad yesterday was pre-recorded before then fact.
Can we be that damn lucky?? If he is I would hope they find some sort of info to prove it and also info on Com. Speicher atleast then his wife and kids could finally put it to rest as the rest of the ppl here in Jax are trying to do also we just wanna know what REALLY happened. How long ya think til they prove one way or another if that scum is dead? :nana:
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Could be. But Shania Twain absolutely was lip-synching at the Superbowl.

Think she'd lip-synch Saddam's speech if we asked her?
guilty pleasure said:
....and that rambling post-bombing speech broadcast by Bagdad yesterday was pre-recorded before then fact.
We can only hope.
The big ass bombs the hit him with, if...

a big if...

If he was actually where those bombs fell.

And if he wasn't really, really, really fucking deep down under ground...

I'm tellin' ya - no way he could'a got his act together to put glasses on and read that 'evergreen' post strike speach.

I mean - if yer a hundred yards from one of those big babies - yer eyes go blood shot and yer ears bleed. If you didn't happen to be whereing hearing protectors - you could be dead for quite a while. You'd be lucky to have any equlibrium at all - lucky to walk.

I don't think that was him - not live anyway.
He took the cash and ran two weeks ago with Bush2's help...just like Osama.

Re: Re: I think Saddam is dead already.....

Tranquility said:
Can we be that damn lucky?? If he is I would hope they find some sort of info to prove it

That's the trouble with these devastating bombs....not much is left.

DNA, anyone?
guilty pleasure said:
....and that rambling post-bombing speech broadcast by Bagdad yesterday was pre-recorded before then fact.

The "intelligence" community could find him if he was across the room from them.
Can you really think for a minute that if Saddam's body was even identifiable, that they'd just stop the war and go back home? This is a perfect situation, we can go on chasing him indefinitely if he's dead, we can go on chasing him indefinitely if he's alive. It's a win-win situation. And there's doubles to chase around the Middle East too. Fabulous...
If that speech was recorded, why was he reading from a notepad with a the speech handwritten on it? Why wasn't he in a more "stately" setting since they would have had time to get it right?

If he's alive, why haven't we seen him on Iraqi TV again thumbing his nose at America and saying the diplomatic equivalent of "Neener, neener, neener, I'm still alive." ?

Personally I think he's in about a thousand little pieces at the bottom of a crater and that was a double on TV last night.
I just don't see any reason to flame Shania. I mean, really!