I think GB needs......



It needs a "Classics Thread" that's sticky.

Heavy's Lit. production of Monty Python needs preserving, it's a classic if there ever was one!
ChilledVodka said:
And Sex_Vampy's joke thread. Is DannyBoy back for good?

As in ..."the hills, the hills are calling" Dannyboy?
Some regulars/old timer's/other's with sticks in their asses, don't like threads that never die.

I don't know of the difficulty of having a second addition to the GB. (Like they have in the Personal's/Playground.)

Move any/all threads with over 2500 posts to the GB Classic Sub forum which would be accessed at the top of the GB forum. Similar to the Playground.
guilty pleasure said:
I'm serious, folks...

Oh, well, now that you mentioned "serious" and "Monty Python" in the same post . . .
ProofreadManx said:

Oh, well, now that you mentioned "serious" and "Monty Python" in the same post . . .
I know I can come up with something good like that if only the Lit had three-day warp capacity.:eek:
HeavyStick said:
Some regulars/old timer's/other's with sticks in their asses, don't like threads that never die.

I don't know of the difficulty of having a second addition to the GB. (Like they have in the Personal's/Playground.)

Move any/all threads with over 2500 posts to the GB Classic Sub forum which would be accessed at the top of the GB forum. Similar to the Playground.

That's a good idea HS. Of course there are some that will bitch about that too. But what the hell?

Ishmael said:
That's a good idea HS. Of course there are some that will bitch about that too. But what the hell?


Some people around here wanna bake their cake and fuck it to. Can't make everyone happy. Maybe we should try Socialism. As a goof.

THey need a thread of the week. Just put a different thread up for what is the best thread of the previous week.
Lazarus1280 said:
THey need a thread of the week. Just put a different thread up for what is the best thread of the previous week.

Like a Survivor series?

I'm sticking with my idea.
I don't think Lit needs to sanction threads as good or bad. If you like a thread, subscribe to it. I don't see the big deal.
modest mouse said:
I don't think Lit needs to sanction threads as good or bad. If you like a thread, subscribe to it. I don't see the big deal.

Exactly. If you like a thread, subscribe to it and it will always be on the front page of your control panel.

I don't see a need for a General Board Part B. I don't think Laurel needs the hassle of deciding which thread would go where. She gets enough unreasonable crap from posters as it is.
HeavyStick said:
Some regulars/old timer's/other's with sticks in their asses, don't like threads that never die.

I don't know of the difficulty of having a second addition to the GB. (Like they have in the Personal's/Playground.)

Move any/all threads with over 2500 posts to the GB Classic Sub forum which would be accessed at the top of the GB forum. Similar to the Playground.

actually I'm surprise a little that some of these threads Aren't "moved" to the playground, by the moderators.
bknight2602 said:
actually I'm surprise a little that some of these threads Aren't "moved" to the playground, by the moderators.

The playground isn't bad. It has six inch siglines that have more colors than a Pokemon cartoon.

I wouldn't follow a thread to the playground. It's two different mindsets between here and there.

A sub GB forum.
HeavyStick said:
The playground isn't bad. It has six inch siglines that have more colors than a Pokemon cartoon.

I wouldn't follow a thread to the playground. It's two different mindsets between here and there.

A sub GB forum.

I agree with you, as I started in the playground. I was just stating that I'm surprised it hasn't been moved. I wouldn't want the killa, fucker thread to go there anymore than you.
HeavyStick said:
The playground isn't bad. It has six inch siglines that have more colors than a Pokemon cartoon.

One of the reasons I turned sig lines off. Should be a rule on the GB. :D

Damn, why can't I make up my mind?
I like HS's idea, but what mm and mg5 says makes sense, too.

I really don't see anything wrong with the way things are, though sticky's for classics are a nice idea. But then, who determines what becomes a classic?
intrigued said:
Damn, why can't I make up my mind?
I like HS's idea, but what mm and mg5 says makes sense, too.

I really don't see anything wrong with the way things are, though sticky's for classics are a nice idea. But then, who determines what becomes a classic?

Maybe over 2500 posts, instant classic, or 1000.

Anything else maybe start a thread saying we would like to keep this thread as a classic.

I subscribed to my "Ishmael and the Holy Thread". Too much work to watch that sink like a CV thread.
intrigued said:
Damn, why can't I make up my mind?
I like HS's idea, but what mm and mg5 says makes sense, too.

I really don't see anything wrong with the way things are, though sticky's for classics are a nice idea. But then, who determines what becomes a classic?

KIng Authur of course silly. ;)

MissTaken said:
Ya give a guy one lead role and it goes to his head!


There was a certain reason why Ish was chosen.

I believe he screens his potential threads thoroughly.

I'm not saying a high post count thread, just a quality thread.
HeavyStick said:
There was a certain reason why Ish was chosen.

I believe he screens his potential threads thoroughly.

I'm not saying a high post count thread, just a quality thread.

Ish = fine linen