I talked to my mom this evening...


Hare puller
Apr 13, 2002
...and after tales of their getting ready for the hurricane, she told me she loved me. My mom rocks.
Your mom rocks =) I hope she'll be ok, W&W.
Danka. :)

Think they'll be fine - supposed to hit land a pretty good ways from them. Lots of wind & rain, but nothing apocalyptic.
WaxNWane said:
...and after tales of their getting ready for the hurricane, she told me she loved me. My mom rocks.

So sweet. You just gotta love moms. I also hope your mother is okay.
My mother sent me a letter explaining why it was my fault they haven't spoken to me or had contact with my children for the past two years.

Just which direction is that hurricane heading???:rolleyes:
WaxNWane said:
Danka. :)

Think they'll be fine - supposed to hit land a pretty good ways from them. Lots of wind & rain, but nothing apocalyptic.

De nada :)

I'm glad they'll be ok.

My mom called me tonight because she found some tins (like cookie tin type thingies) at a store way down south and wanted to know if I wanted her to pick some up for me. How cool is that? Then she told me she loves me. =) Mommies rock.
My Mum rang this morning to ask to take the kids to McDonalds tomorrow because it is the last day of the school holidays for them. I know she willl buy them treats also and give them big cuddles and hugs... I love my Mum for wanting to be with her grandchildren... :)

P.S. I'm sure your Mum will be fine through the hurricane. :)