I sucked a cock so that my wife to do lesbian sex !


i can go on buddy .
but need cheers for me to uncover
i can go on buddy .
but need cheers for me to uncover

Cheers! *clinks glasses*...do we have to sing auld lang syne, as well?

And because I need the Rosetta Stone to understand your posts...I am betting this is like reading runes for you, too.

*drums fingers*
Does that mean you will stop if we all sit here silently? :)

No , katie !
do you love my story , .?
supports do enthuse me to unfold this horny act which culminates on open relationship , still continues ...
Really? You would have us believe that you put a man's cock in your mouth just so your wife would have sex with another woman? Uh huh. IF this did actually happen in any place other than your mind, I am willing to bet that your wife having a fem lover was just a cover for a fantasy that you have had for some time - that you have wanted to give a dude a bj. That I might actually believe.
I sucked a cock so that my wife to do lesbian sex !

Good 4 U Dahlink! So HAWT!
I has wanted to suspected Uze swung both waze.
Ur storie confirms what most new
Cheers 2 U future hob-nobbing wit de nob-gobblers so ur wif can lik de pus!

Do U feel ghey now?

U has new threads for tek-neek tips 4 tasting of others' peni n make better cumz?

plz shr... did uz swallo or tak on chin for team lezzie?

Wuld U to do peni in ur ass if ur wife to do lesbian sex wit 2 lesbians?
I like to think that his wife was already having a lesbian affair, and just told him that if he sucked a cock, she'd tell him about it.
this is not a fake thread . just that i am too shy to divulge it more.
now , i am eager to restart it and recount my memories of that night which starts a lengthy process of a altogether different sex phase of our lives.

it is totally mutual between my wife and optional.
So do I understand this correctly...in theory you are on your knees sucking cock in hope that your wife will allow you to watch her have she with another woman???? If so than you can suck my cock if I too can watch the women!!!

thats the deal. said and done.
she dictated these terms to me in order to fulfill my fantasy. hmm what can i do ? it is her fantasy.
The seven year gap in posts does display that, if nothing else, you have an impressive memory for failed internet fishing trips.
I would do it if she asked me to do it. She has done a lot for me and I owe her