I should have given her flowers more often


born wrong
Oct 10, 2001
A few lifetimes ago I fell in love. I won’t bother with the details of the near miss marriage or how I never regretted it yet wished I had. I’ll not bother with the courtship that is truly a beautiful, romantic tale. All the detail necessary is to know we are now great friends. We meet once a week for dinner and to watch TV and movies. We go to bed afterwards and I leave.
This evening I was at her house for her birthday party. Two guests got her flowers. She loved them. Throughout the night her face was never as bright as when she reached for either of the two vases. I took her to dinner on Wednesday and since her brother got her a DVD player I got her two DVDs.
She was so excited by those flowers. I sent her flowers at work many years ago while we were still in love. She loved them. She turned red.

This morning her doctor told her she had the early signs of multiple sclerosis.
I am sorry to hear that.
Perhaps you could tell her how much she means
to you and seeing her face with the flowers.
It is amazing what little things will make such a difference to people.

there is time to still give her flowers.......if I were in your
shoes and someone who I care about was diagnosed
with something serious, I would spend as much time
as I could with them and be there for them.

tigerjen said:

there is time to still give her flowers.......if I were in your
shoes and someone who I care about was diagnosed
with something serious, I would spend as much time
as I could with them and be there for them.


Exactly. There is still time, and she'll appreciate them more if they're "just because".
there's a whole lifetime. i don't believe for a second that she has ms.

but i do worry about what it could be. you know, not knowing being the worst part and all.

and here's the wierd thing...i hate her. i swear i hate her. i have for a long time, but it's worse now than ever.
Cleo32 said:
Exactly. There is still time, and she'll appreciate
them more if they're "just because".

I hear ya..........flowers shouldn't just be saved for
special occasions like Valentine's Day or birthdays or
anniversaries.........flowers should be given "just
because"..............esp. in these times of uncertainty......

a motto: "live in the moment" :)
My mom has MS. Thankfully hers has recently gone into remission. She was diagnosed 7 years ago and she is still fully physically functional. She is doing quite weel. Just because you have MS doesn't mean it is an immediate death sentence. We all will die sometime, just some of us endure more pain and hardships than others.

paganangel said:
I sent her flowers at work many years ago while we were still in love. She loved them. She turned red.

This morning her doctor told her she had the early signs of multiple sclerosis.

There was a song many years ago called "Daisy a Day". The refrain goes: "I'll give you a daisy a day, dear. I'll give you a daisy a day. I'll love you untill the rivers run still and the four winds we know blow away." The song was quite touching. It was about a couple who started out young, and grew old together, then when she died, he brought a daisy a day to her grave.

Just thought I would tell you that, P.A. Life seems so short to dwell on regrets. It is better to make the most of the time you have, cherish every moment....then after she is gone, thank the god(dess) for having had her presence in her life. Perhaps when or if that day comes, you could plant daisies (or her favorite flower) at her grave (or put her ashes in a pit under a young tree that you could plant in her memory).
paganangel said:
there's a whole lifetime. i don't believe for a second that she has ms.

but i do worry about what it could be. you know, not knowing being the worst part and all.

and here's the wierd thing...i hate her. i swear i hate her. i have for a long time, but it's worse now than ever.

Lets see...you write a touching story, complete with melancholy ending, implying that something good could have happened between the two of you.

Then you say you don't believe (maybe) that there is anything wrong with her... but are concerned......but you hate her.

You fuck her once a week and are pissed that you won't get your nut off now, right? You are one wierd fucker.
well damn!

I guess I should not have posted about the daisies....he doesn't even LOVE her....*sigh*
Trail48 said:
Lets see...you write a touching story, complete with melancholy ending, implying that something good could have happened between the two of you.

Then you say you don't believe (maybe) that there is anything wrong with her... but are concerned......but you hate her.

You fuck her once a week and are pissed that you won't get your nut off now, right? You are one wierd fucker.

fuck you.

"I guess I should not have posted about the daisies....he doesn't even LOVE her....*sigh*"

i didn't say i didn't love her.
paganangel said:
there's a whole lifetime. i don't believe for a second that she has ms.

but i do worry about what it could be. you know, not knowing being the worst part and all.

and here's the wierd thing...i hate her. i swear i hate her. i have for a long time, but it's worse now than ever.

maybe you never said you didn't love her....but what does "I hate her" mean to you?????
*Ignoring the wacko that paganangel can be*

Flowers while alive are much better than flowers when you're dead. I brought flowers often to my grandmothers when they were alive. I bring them now to my mother. I want to enjoy them while they can.

I've bought myself flowers for years. I have them often in my office. Why shouldn't I have flowers to enjoy, too? I want them when I am alive, not at my funeral.
dragonhearted said:
maybe you never said you didn't love her....but what does "I hate her" mean to you?????
hate and love are not opposite ends of a spectrum.

oh, and mrs. dalloway,...

you continue to miss the point.
Because I think you are afraid for her...........of what the
outcome might be.

two days after her 27th birthday and

well, it's not ms....

it was just a stroke.
she's expecte to make a full recovery, but right now she has some visual problems. the paralasys seems to have gone away.
I'm sorry to hear that happened to her. Isn't it uncommon for someone so young to have a stroke?
honeylick said:
never put off telling someone how you feel about them.

Now probably isn't a good time for him to tell her that he hates her.