I Received a Comment on My Latest Story Today


Missing my Muse...
Jan 7, 2020
Anonymous about 2 hours ago
I couldn't read through this as it's too confusing. In the first line you talk about (I assume Anna) feeding the twins and then going back to see George. A little bit later (years obviously) she's talking to George and saying she's not sure if they're identical or fraternal twins, or even girls. To be honest I haven't read the other parts as I've never seen them, but even if it's explained better in earlier parts, there should be a bit of summary to clear things up. Sorry, but only 1*

I scratched my head about this and decided to answer as follows:

Candy_Kane54 less than a minute ago Author
To Anonymous
I debated long and hard whether I should take the time to discuss your issues with my story.
Sadly, I decided to answer your concerns.
I assume that you always pick up a book, flip to the last chapter, and expect to read the ending and expect everything to make sense.
At the start of Part 4, I did say it would help to read Part 3 first. If you had, you would have seen the last line of Part 3 which went: "As I fell asleep, I dreamed about my babies ..."
Reading that, you'd have had a clue that Part 4 started with a dream sequence. If you had bothered to read the first three parts of the story, you would have known it was a dream sequence about something that had never happened.
I do thank you for taking the time to tell me why you rated my story a 1* but in effect you rated your ability to read a story.
Chalk it up the the dangers inherent in posting a series I guess. 🤷‍♂️
It is most frustrating when a reader comments anonymously as you cannot as a result communicate to them. Thus, your acidic response will bear no fruit. My very first submission appearing here some thirteen years ago had as its only comment from an anonymous reader the following and I quote exactly verbatim: “m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mmm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,” I inserted a comment asking if the reader could elaborate on his/her cryptic comment. Naturally I have yet to receive an explanation.
I’m getting anon comments on about two stories per day from what is clearly one person. They are going through the stories in chronological order and criticizing every little misspelling. I hate having errors in my stories but having these little reminders with nary a mention of the story (plot, characters, themes) seems particularly needling.
To be honest I haven't read the other parts as I've never seen them, but even if it's explained better in earlier parts, there should be a bit of summary to clear things up. Sorry, but only 1*
It sounds like the chairman of my "Fan Club" has branched out and selected you as his next target. He gives low ratings for his inability to understand the simplest of concepts. Since he doesn't have the guts to use a username so you can respond directly I give him the call sign Tango Romeo, as in:

I’m getting anon comments on about two stories per day from what is clearly one person. They are going through the stories in chronological order and criticizing every little misspelling. I hate having errors in my stories but having these little reminders with nary a mention of the story (plot, characters, themes) seems particularly needling.
Delete is your friend. Don't give them air play.
I got one today saying in effect they wish they’d have had the chance to correct spelling and punctuation. Then why don’t they volunteer to be a beta reader/editor?
Already deleted.
Got somebody running through mine saying, "Got to the sex too quickly. Not enough preliminaries. 3 stars."

Apparently, they didn't read the bio or get the gist after two story reads. LOL

On top of that, they're both sexual bribery stories, where one character is using sex to keep the other quiet about something. How much "get to know each other" do they really expect in a story like that? *facepalm*
On top of that, they're both sexual bribery stories, where one character is using sex to keep the other quiet about something. How much "get to know each other" do they really expect in a story like that? *facepalm*
" Have sex with me whenever I want or I tell all of your secrets."

" Seems I don't have a choice."

" You don't."

" But I must know... "

" What?"

" Are you a dog or a cat person?"