I really miss...


Lost Angel
Oct 4, 2002
I really miss Ljbonobo.

I miss his voice, his laugh, his quick wit, his tenderness, his affection. I miss talking to him every night. I miss so much more about him that I can't say here.

Who do you miss? and what do you miss about them?
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Sorry, Goddess, it's just too close to a list for me, and sure as shit if I tell you who I miss they'll pop in and go "Oh really" and then somebody else will pop in and say, "Oh but you don't miss me?" and then I'll feel bad about who I forgot to say I miss not to mention all the people who will then think about leaving just so I might miss them, too, and besides there's a nukular war about to happen anyway.
It's ok, I just wanted to let him know I miss him like crazy, and wanted to keep the thread open for others to share.

btw, love the av, are you Irish?

I am
My ancestors are Irish - or were - I'm a U.S. citizen, born in the Windy City where I learned to vote before I could walk.;)
I said something about this in a thread earlier.. but I didn't say why. :)

When I joined three other of my closest online friends joined just after me at my urging.

Only one is still here.. *goddess*emi*

But my best friend KinkyKat stopped posting after two months.. I think his last post was in June. I miss posting with my best friend.. seeing his thoughts, opinions, wondering what he'd be posting right now with the turmoil that's going on. The wars and the alerts that we are on.

Danbo is another one.. he posted *maybe* two nights. He's so funny and sharp... and isn't online as much anymore as he use to be.
But anyway, back to what my thread was originally about.

I miss you, I love you, I'm sorry I make mistakes and end up hurting you.
GreenEyedGodess said:
A fine county in a lovely part of the Emerald Isle. I trust you are held in much higher esteem than even the famous crystal by those who know you, daughter of Ireland.